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It is a great m(om)ent when the mind of the aspirant becomes filled with Dharma instead of random thought and habituated emotional patterns. Until our Mind turns to Dharma instead of Drama, spiritual progress is very difficult, hazy, and unsure. Without a Dharma Teacher in your life, it makes it very, very difficult to mine meaning from daily life and activities; even our treasured sports and pleasures grow vacant without Dharma Mind.
So, how do we allow Divine InSight to dance within the fabric of our daily life and spill Sacred Joy and Brahmanic Humor into the Play of the UniVerse in a way that our afflicted Mind can recognize It and Cherish It?
There are Four Thoughts That Turn The Mind To The Dharma
and in the Mountain Yogi Tradition, training the Mind to turn to these Four Thoughts
are often the initial Teachings that a Master assigns a new Student. i will briefly outline them as accurately as possible for those of you not raised in Eastern Teachings...

#1) The First of the Four Thoughts is realizing the utter miracle and importance of having The Precious Human Body.
There are countless (trillions and trillions) of potential births that can be taken in the Bardo Realm which would have "us" re-incarnate in any of the Six Realms of Samsara - which i've already taught you about in this Hall (God Realm, Demi-God Realm, Human Realm, Animal Realm, Hungry Spirit Realm, Hell Realm). it is only within The Precious Human Body that, according to Lama Karma Rinchen, "the mind has the technology and resources needed for spiritual Awakening." the sooner we realize this the more chi-filled will be our temperament for steadfast Practice and training and Trust in our Teacher(s). my "Dewa Sadhana", for instance, is to realize that my daughter could disappear from Ananda and i tomorrow. One never knows the length of our karmic term in this Precious Human Body which is precisely why we must never, ever lose the tremendous gratitude of our Precious Human Body to choose Self-Cultivation and Inner Attainment over Entertainment and wasting our time in gossip, negativity, laziness, short-term pleasures, and feeble Practice. i took this photo while playing with Dewa's Precious Human Body in Her baptism canyon; the Boynton Canyon vortex.
to continue learning this (and over 2,000+ more) priceless Teaching from Coach...
photo #1; while in Sedona, a powerful "Om So Ti" in a new-age bookstore manifested this amazing missing-digit Ganesha for me...i took Ganesha immediately into the Boynton Canyon Vortex and got this shot of Son of Shiva as Grandfather Sun slipped behind the Mogollon Rim.
photo #2; my daughter Dewachen's Precious Human Body re-incarnated under a year-long pilgrimage of Auspicious Signs.