"While unperishing love melted my bones,
I cried,
I shouted again and again,
louder than the waves of the billowing sea,
I became confused,
I fell,
I rolled,
I wailed,
Bewildered like a madman,
Intoxicated like a crazy drunk,
so that people were puzzled
and those who heard wondered."
- Manikka-vacakar's 9th century love songs to Shiva
Manikkavacakar means; "He whose utterances are rubies"
Why is this WF Devotee smiling so stupidly?
Because it's his BIRTHDAY, and he always does something "stupid" on his birthday!
And if you REALLY want something stupid, then enlist the Crazy Wisdom of coach ilg for your Birthday stupidity!
Come on, Oh Mighty Limb'd Warrior of Modern MultiDisciplined Yoga...
come along with me as i share with you some Birthday Fun for Most Noble WF Warrior, Ben "Patki Das" Sullivan this past Sunday...
as Patki says, "Stupid is, as stupid does!"
50 miles, 6,000', and absolutely STUPID photos of MINI-SKIING on the Sacred Snows, far, far above the world of worried men!
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