Saturday, June 21, 2008

Student Quote of the Week...better git on the SR Ship

It's my own sister who got the WF Quote of the Week! photo of my sister, Connie, who is four years older than i, by Wayne Williams. can you tell we're related? Can you tell we are SUNRIDERS? Connie is 49 years old. How many times do i need to say it and live it for you? "The Path works, when YOU work the Path!"


For those of you STILL not on the

Secret Herbs of Wholistic Fitness

...SUNRIDER Whole Food Herbs which have been the
Official Regenerative Nutritional Program of WF
since 1983

don't receive the cascade of miracle stories of pain erasure,
pranic empowerment,
fat loss that pour through the WF Temple each week,
just let it be known that ever since i first toured the
SUNRIDER World Headquarters, i KNEW that Dr. Chen would pour every ounce
of money and spirit into preserving his world-wide stranglehold on Mother Earth's
juiciest, most potent, and healthy food-grade herbs on the planet.

after one of my SUNRIDER emails to my ILG SUNRIDER DOWNLINE where i posted pictures of just ONE of Dr. Chen's global SUNRIDER Herb Facilities (see below)...

you CANNOT find a more sterile, expensive, and carefully monitored environment than a SUNRIDER Herb processing facility! It's AMAZING! There is NOTHING like SUNRIDER Herbs on the planet; not EVEN CLOSE!!!!!! World Class Herbs for my World Class students of Wholistic Fitness! Nothing but the BEST!!!!!!

Dr. Chen himself, at one of his bijillion dollar Herbal Purification and Concentration Machines...

it was my sister, Connie Ilg of Long Beach, California that got the quote of the week:

Can I get a job as a janitor in his factory? It seems I wouldn't have much to do...right up my alley!

Point Being:
as the rest of the world stews in salomnella tomatoes, poisoned spinach, dead zones of oceans due to fertilizers...
feast upon the most concentrated, anciently enhanced, and secretly formulated whole food herbs on poor Mother Earth.

as if i would feed my own family anything else, right?

what about you?

what about your family in the decades ahead?

what Food Source are YOU trusting?

i've trusted Dr. Chen's whole food, regenerative herbs for over 25 years which helped me through a paralyzing spine injury, huge emotional ups and downs, and not to mention 6 World Championships in 5 Different Sports...and, at age 46 and a new daddy? you might be quite surprised at the Level of output i still produce each week...athletically, professionally, and domestically...
all i say is:


if you are NOT a SUNRIDER yet,
for the years ahead; JOIN TODAY!
email me!

SUNRIDER's prices are going up in JULY...join and order NOW!

Eat the Best Plants On Mother Earth as everyone else settles for...
poisoned plants.