"It's one thing to want someone. It's another thing to want someone to want you."- coach ilg in online counsel to a WF Student who is navigating the Bardo of In-Between Relationships.
hola mi hermano's y hermana's de la espiritu!
i am back beneath the Sacred Peak of Doko Ooosliid here in Kinlani. a wonderful, wonderful trip to the Rio Grande Valley whereupon i often come back speaking Spanglish. though i got completely wired on the chi of my trip, i am even more wired to be wireless and back on the luxurious high speed internet connection so i can regain our DL Dance together!
i'll be right back with much more including how i got spanked in my second bicycle race with only a few more heartbeats to go!
oh, and i wanna send out a big ol' Temple Shout to all of you precious students, friends, and DL'ers that have been taking part of our online baby shower! each day the UPS guy pulls up and Lordy, Lordy!!! you are all sooo kind and may you have even an inkling of just how absolutely needed and appreciated your generous baby gifts are to Ananda and i! WOW!!!!!! THANK YOU!!!!
finally, i know many (okay MOST) of you think that i am gonna be all too hard core training on my baby daughter. remember, i AM a professional who has helped dozens of 'infertile' women (and men) get pregnant and have coached many women through pregnancies with utmost loving care. so, relax...besides,

i'm practicing on Teddy!
having worked in three great bookstores and well, being an author and all, i have known about and have been perusing the 'new best baby books' on the market.
i'll stick with the Scriptures.
it don't get any better than the Ancient Wisdom that produced the most Awakened Masters on the planet:
"All beings tremble before violence.
All fear death.
All love life.
See yourself in others.
Then whom can you hurt?
What harm can you do?"
- Dhammapada 129-130

if you have not already done so, please visit Ananda's most recent entry:
The JoyFul Breath
and stay tuned to DL; there is a cascade of great CHI ready to roll...
May Your Practice Be Blessed,
coach ilg