Friggin' Coach Ilg rocked us in NoHo the other week! OMG! What a sweat and chifest that was @ Warrior Blanchard's studio in NoHo. Of all the so-called "Hot Yoga" classes I have attended, I have NEVER put out such a friggin' sweat and all without a gas heater--just Coach Ilg! Shiiitttt...who needs a furnace when you have HP Yoga to light the fire within?! A great class--all sorts of people there and shapes, sizes, abilities. I'm always amazed at how well Ilg adapts to the tribe--he seems to know what people need on the spot without a cue card.
Feeble Coach RJ went to failure more than once in this class. I was rockin' at the Coachella Music Festival the day before. Dudes! From Coachella's 102 degrees in the Cali desert to HP Yoga's sweatfest in NoHo! I was dehydrated big time! If you ever get a chance to study with Coach Ilg in NoHo or anywhere else he lands to do HP Yoga--DO IT! There is no substitute--I'm convinced of that.
- Ron Jones
unsolicited fan letter taken from the WF SanghaLounge from the world-record holder; Race Across AMerica