The Path up to the Temple Door of WF Online Studies is rarely tread. In fact, WF Online - the nation's original online fitness service - is one of the few Yogic Paths that still Teaches in the Traditional
Teacher/Student manner as per the Upanishads. This is accomplished
through highly intimate, personalized online instruction.
Unlike other personal training businesses, i also pretty much stick to the
Eastern Teaching Tradition of refusing new students to test their sincerity.
i am first and foremost a Teacher/Protector of the Dharma. True Dharma Teachers must honor their Tradition and their own Teachers regardless of the effort, fear, and time. Even if it means refusing money. Of course, as a businessman, doing this scares the bejesus outta me all the time since i am cutting off income in a very, very fragile business market. Thus arises my Faith in God to Provide. i test this Faith each and every day of my life.
Here is an actual Application to Study WF Online submission that i received this morning.
I thought you might enjoy knowing in your heart that your ol' Coach is still, after 25 years, refusing to compromise the authenticity of Traditional Teacher/Student Yoga Instruction. I also want to let all of you who are still standing in line waiting for Online Acceptance, that i have not forgotten you. Below, i reward the following Seeker for his Abhaysa using my book. Many Knock on my Temple Door requesting Online Studies without even accomplishing Green Tara Program or any of the programs in my other books. Such impatience is not the way to become a Student of mine. Let me know you have Sweated and Sat Still using my existing Programs before wanting to take on Online Training!
May your inner, outer, and Secret Obstacles be revealed through the strength of your Practice and be overcome by your will,
om so ti,
coach ilg
Submit: Submit Application to Coach Ilg
Name: gajender s. bhati
MailingAddress: (not for public viewing)
City: (not for public viewing)
State: rajasthan,india.
BirthDate: 20december1964
Weight: 85
Height: 5.11
Gender:: Male
BodyWeightFluctuate: It does,but not so often.Might be due to eating habits.
StudyPath: I have been traing through your book "WHOLISTICFITNESS" for last two years and got very encouraging results, and...
on today's DL Subscription format!