Cannot tell you how amazing is this Beloved Soul...
Do yourself and your Practice a nice, fat favor and read Teacher Ananda's
second installment of The Chaturanga Challenge; Part 2.
I would like to say that the obvious Dharma Wisdom and Metta that flows
so steadily and radiant from Ananda could be largely contributed to her
HP Yoga Teacher Training! However, i am the first to recognize a truly
Great Soul when i feel it. All this Path of WF did for Ananda is the same
as it is doing for you if you are letting it:
It is just tweaking your weakenesses into Wholenesses!
Enjoy and GREAT JOB, Ananda! Can barely wait till next Monday's new installment!
click here:
The Joyful Breath Free Blog
photo by
after Joy's Second Place Finish in the USSSA Western Regional Snowshoe Race, 5k.