Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Monday, February 26, 2007
Another Warrior Steps Up To The Mt. Taylor Challenge for 2008
Hi Coach,
I was inpsired by Hak's recounting of the Mt. Taylor Quadrathlon, enough to sign up for next year's event! I admire his courage and wanted to drop him an email to that affect. Can you provide me with his email address or can I trouble you to forward my email address to him, that way it's his choice? Thanks.
I really enjoy reading Direct Lines and receive a lot of wonderful insights.
I bid you Peace.
I was inpsired by Hak's recounting of the Mt. Taylor Quadrathlon, enough to sign up for next year's event! I admire his courage and wanted to drop him an email to that affect. Can you provide me with his email address or can I trouble you to forward my email address to him, that way it's his choice? Thanks.
I really enjoy reading Direct Lines and receive a lot of wonderful insights.
I bid you Peace.
Victory Comes In Many Forms...
A read of this Race Report from WF Master Student Hakado Ru on his Mt. Taylor Winter Quadrathlon as spiritual pilgrimage is greatly suggested.
i am very proud of this WF Pilgrim and look forward to seeing him back upon the Sacred Slopes of Tsidool next February.
How about YOU?!?
Hak's Mt.Taylor Winter Quadrathlon
i am very proud of this WF Pilgrim and look forward to seeing him back upon the Sacred Slopes of Tsidool next February.
How about YOU?!?
Hak's Mt.Taylor Winter Quadrathlon
WILL COACH ACCEPT THIS SEEKER? Read An Actual Online Training Application

The Path up to the Temple Door of WF Online Studies is rarely tread. In fact, WF Online - the nation's original online fitness service - is one of the few Yogic Paths that still Teaches in the Traditional
Teacher/Student manner as per the Upanishads. This is accomplished
through highly intimate, personalized online instruction.
Unlike other personal training businesses, i also pretty much stick to the
Eastern Teaching Tradition of refusing new students to test their sincerity.
i am first and foremost a Teacher/Protector of the Dharma. True Dharma Teachers must honor their Tradition and their own Teachers regardless of the effort, fear, and time. Even if it means refusing money. Of course, as a businessman, doing this scares the bejesus outta me all the time since i am cutting off income in a very, very fragile business market. Thus arises my Faith in God to Provide. i test this Faith each and every day of my life.
Here is an actual Application to Study WF Online submission that i received this morning.
I thought you might enjoy knowing in your heart that your ol' Coach is still, after 25 years, refusing to compromise the authenticity of Traditional Teacher/Student Yoga Instruction. I also want to let all of you who are still standing in line waiting for Online Acceptance, that i have not forgotten you. Below, i reward the following Seeker for his Abhaysa using my book. Many Knock on my Temple Door requesting Online Studies without even accomplishing Green Tara Program or any of the programs in my other books. Such impatience is not the way to become a Student of mine. Let me know you have Sweated and Sat Still using my existing Programs before wanting to take on Online Training!
May your inner, outer, and Secret Obstacles be revealed through the strength of your Practice and be overcome by your will,
om so ti,
coach ilg
Submit: Submit Application to Coach Ilg
Name: gajender s. bhati
MailingAddress: (not for public viewing)
City: (not for public viewing)
State: rajasthan,india.
BirthDate: 20december1964
Weight: 85
Height: 5.11
Gender:: Male
BodyWeightFluctuate: It does,but not so often.Might be due to eating habits.
StudyPath: I have been traing through your book "WHOLISTICFITNESS" for last two years and got very encouraging results, and...
on today's DL Subscription format!
Sunday, February 25, 2007
Levi Takes The CA Tour plus; The Natural Zen of Children
Hey, hey
give it UP for Butte, Montana's Levi Leipheimer who ruled the roost a la Lance Armstrong from start to finish of the 8 day AMGEN Tour of California! i've had the distinct pleasure of giving LL a head nod in a peleton and how about GEORGE HINCAPIE going down hard in Stage 7, breaking his wrist, only to get up and hammer the legs off of the entire peleton to keep his DISCOVERY CHANNEL Teammate Levi in the Yellow Jersey! i'm tellin' ya, that Hincapie shoulda been a hockey player!
here is what the Miracle is; i ain't taking about some Euro Race! this world class, stunningly scintillating bike racing was being done right here on US Terra Firma! Yup, even the World Champion Paulo Bettini of Italy won a...
give it UP for Butte, Montana's Levi Leipheimer who ruled the roost a la Lance Armstrong from start to finish of the 8 day AMGEN Tour of California! i've had the distinct pleasure of giving LL a head nod in a peleton and how about GEORGE HINCAPIE going down hard in Stage 7, breaking his wrist, only to get up and hammer the legs off of the entire peleton to keep his DISCOVERY CHANNEL Teammate Levi in the Yellow Jersey! i'm tellin' ya, that Hincapie shoulda been a hockey player!
here is what the Miracle is; i ain't taking about some Euro Race! this world class, stunningly scintillating bike racing was being done right here on US Terra Firma! Yup, even the World Champion Paulo Bettini of Italy won a...
Friday, February 23, 2007
Using The Cleansing Drinks of WF Wisely

An inspiration to millions, McKenzie Westmore. WF Online Student "Mac" remains steadfast in her fitness training regardless of her busy schedule and even through her recent pregnancy. Mac was one of my most consistent yoginis at my High Performance Yoga Studio in Los Angeles. Mac can be seen each weekday as she plays "Sheridan" on the daytime drama; Passions...or drop by her website and tell her Coach sent you!
WF Student McKenzie Official Fan Website
Hi Coach!
Does Cali and Fortune tea need to be cycled? like one month on, one month off? or something like that?
Hi Coach!
I love my WF Online Training! Thanks for all your help!! However, it still is not like when i was training with you directly and taking your HP Yoga class! You got me into my best shape ever!
The SUNRIDER Herbs you have me on have been working just great since my baby! I have having 3 cups of Calli Tea per day and a 16oz. bottle of water mixed with Fortune Delight and Sunny Dew!
Thanks Coach!!
Most Noble Student Mac!
Ain't using Whole Food Herbs, great! No toxicity! No side effects! No nothing except an ever ascending radiance of health and fitness!
Mac, just be careful of drinking TOO much of each at the same time. i suggest limiting Fortune Delight and Calli to no more than 3 servings each when drinking both on the same day. This is a generalization. People that come into SUNRIDER eating like, well, crap...then i suggest starting MUCH slower such as just one serving of each per day.
Fortune and Calli are both Cleansing and Fat Loss beverages. Drinking too much at the same time
could cause a temporary cellular detox bottleneck within the cleansing organs.
Always a wise idea to rehearse what each is used for:
* Fortune Delight:
less aggressive on the cells, primarily for ridding incoming dietary fats, hydrates the cells.
more aggressive at cell membrane cleansing, primarily for ridding impacted bodyfat, pulls heavier toxins from cells than Fortune Delight.
Drinking each creates a sense of Bodily Lightness (Laghuva in yoga) within several months.
Be SURE to use SUNNY DEW whenever drinking Fortune Delight or Calli! Vital!
To get signed up on the "Secret Herbs of WF" like McKenzie did, contact either Coach or WF Teacher Ananda today and receive complimentary guidance toward a MUCH HIGHER and FITTER YOU!
coach: ilgtrain@npgcable.com
ananda: joytrain@npgcable.com
Thursday, February 22, 2007
Why So EARLY?! New Student Complains About Brahmamuhurta

"The Lotus Folded Feet of a Teacher in the Amitabha Lineage must belong to a humble, confident yogi capable of a wide variety of physical and intellectual fitness. This yogin must prepare him or herself in order to be able to not only Teach yet Transmit that which is spiritually helpful to the masses relative to the Teachers' era. Experienced Arising during Brahmamuhurti is a pre-requisite of such a Teacher."
Especially after competitions like Mt. Taylor, as i fold my feet into the Meditation Posture during the cold slap of each morning in my Zendo (see above photo), i have to force myself to willingly accept my Tradition of Teaching and Protecting the Dharma. Perhaps like your own occupation, it is a rough, narrow, and exhausting Path to try to make a living from...especially with a Baby On The Way. Perhaps like you, i have to force my mind to recall that Initial Moment of Passion and the Repeated Moments of Passionate Affirmation that brought me to the revolving doors of my Chosen Path In The Outer Directed World.
i do my best each early morning because i know that each of YOU are doing YOUR best to answer the Early Wake Up Call at your own Level of Willingness, Temperament, and Capacity.
Free Spirits Have To Soar By Searching Their Minds For Their Highest Calling...
i bow to your Free Spirit,
your loving coach
Dear Coach,
okay, i know you warn everybody about how "Steep and Direct" of a Path this is and that nearly everyone who studies it formally or tries to Teach it quits. i get it now. your Assigned Teaching to me about Arising During Brahmamuhurta has put the Big Hurta on this feeble student! Can you share with me again, Oh Noble Lotus Footed Coach Who Kicks Ass In Endurance Sports Like No Other Yoga Teacher On The Planet, the philosophy of this Assignment?
Love and tight hips,
Online Yet Not InLine Student HK
Most Noble and Cherished One So Ripe For Awakening HK,
of course. let me allow you the Words of a wonderful Teacher who Taught it to me...
read Coach's answer by SUBSCRIBING TO DL and get this utterly unique type of ongoing, ever pointed inward counsel from Coach Ilg,
The Coach Who Still Does...
Mt. Taylor Proves It: The WF Path Works, If YOU Work The Path
A Race Day is naught but an expression of your Daily Practice.
A Race Day is an expression of your hours spent alone cultivating your breath, your internal energetics, and most of all;
your nutrition.
The Result:
click to enlarge:

For over 20 years I have not deviated from Teaching you what i consider to be the most effective Nutritional Path that serves to Cleanse your Cells for optimal physiologic and energetic functions and Empower your Cells for elite level vigor and what yogis know as "tapas" or burning desire to Rise Higher.
Just in case you've been under a rock for the last quarter century while myself and other WF Devotees have been cranking to the tops of podiums in ALL sorts of sports, disciplines, and inner attainments, let's go over this once again:

SUNRIDER Herbal Whole Foods.
Intent: Provides the daily CORE CELLULAR NUTRITION to Cleanse, Balance, and EMPOWER all five of our organ systems, including our two Immune Systems (T-cell and Respiratory)...
to gain access to and complimentary guidance (for now) to using these Herbs and my 3-Phase Approach to using them, you must show sincerity by joining under myself or Ananda directly. the link is provided on the Visitor Cave webpage at www.wholisticfitness.com under WF Power Links.

BioBuilde, the "new" takeover from "UniPro Amino Acids" which i used to use in the WF System back in the day but which is no longer available, is the ONLY NON-WHOLE-FOOD Daily Nutritional Supplement that i endorse.
Intent: to ensure that our bodies, especially athletes, are in a Positive Nitrogen Balance. Being in the later cellular state is vital for all immediate, short, and long-term physiologic training effects to occur from the amplitude of training. BioBuilde is

PowerBars. This is NOT a daily Whole Food by any stretch of the imagination within the WF System.
Intent: Training and Racing Fuel. i consider PowerBars and PowerGels to be 'medicinal' in the sense that they are only to be consumed in acute, not chronic, situations. Basically, this means during hard training workouts or races when your muscle physiology is maxed out trying to maintain a given workload thus sacrifices digestive chi. During a workout or race, our bodies simply do not have the capacity to
After my Race:
A Race Day is an expression of your hours spent alone cultivating your breath, your internal energetics, and most of all;
your nutrition.
The Result:
click to enlarge:

For over 20 years I have not deviated from Teaching you what i consider to be the most effective Nutritional Path that serves to Cleanse your Cells for optimal physiologic and energetic functions and Empower your Cells for elite level vigor and what yogis know as "tapas" or burning desire to Rise Higher.
Just in case you've been under a rock for the last quarter century while myself and other WF Devotees have been cranking to the tops of podiums in ALL sorts of sports, disciplines, and inner attainments, let's go over this once again:

SUNRIDER Herbal Whole Foods.
Intent: Provides the daily CORE CELLULAR NUTRITION to Cleanse, Balance, and EMPOWER all five of our organ systems, including our two Immune Systems (T-cell and Respiratory)...
to gain access to and complimentary guidance (for now) to using these Herbs and my 3-Phase Approach to using them, you must show sincerity by joining under myself or Ananda directly. the link is provided on the Visitor Cave webpage at www.wholisticfitness.com under WF Power Links.

BioBuilde, the "new" takeover from "UniPro Amino Acids" which i used to use in the WF System back in the day but which is no longer available, is the ONLY NON-WHOLE-FOOD Daily Nutritional Supplement that i endorse.
Intent: to ensure that our bodies, especially athletes, are in a Positive Nitrogen Balance. Being in the later cellular state is vital for all immediate, short, and long-term physiologic training effects to occur from the amplitude of training. BioBuilde is

PowerBars. This is NOT a daily Whole Food by any stretch of the imagination within the WF System.
Intent: Training and Racing Fuel. i consider PowerBars and PowerGels to be 'medicinal' in the sense that they are only to be consumed in acute, not chronic, situations. Basically, this means during hard training workouts or races when your muscle physiology is maxed out trying to maintain a given workload thus sacrifices digestive chi. During a workout or race, our bodies simply do not have the capacity to
After my Race:
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Setting Your Own Pace For Enlightenment
As i wait for some more photos from Mt. Taylor Winter Quadrathlon, i figured i would take a moment to share some training counsel with an Online Student of mine. Today's topic also has a lot to do with that ever so elusive yet mandatory Warrior capacity of finding the Balance Between Patience and Pressure.
Enjoy and may this coaching exchange be of benefit to your own Practice and thus in turn, to All Beings Everywhere.
Off to go teach yoga after a HEAVEN of a morning spent tele skiing fresh powder in the trees! Talk about a Yoga Studio in which to Practice finding the Balance between Patience and Pressure! Yeah baby!
om so ti,
your loving coach
The thing that has changed for me over this last year is that I am now unable to turn off my mind or my awareness about being in myself.
you never WERE able to "turn off" your mind or your Awareness!
you are being now Blessed with the massive inSight of just how chaotic and cluttered and undisciplined your Mind and Awareness is!
thus, all of our work over the next few years will be geared toward being able to gear your mind and awareness, not 'shut it off'.
that will not happen until Samadhi.
we have a loooong way to travel before then!
right now, i want you to work on your Capacity to Concentrate (thus the WF Spelling Guru, etc.)and develop
your Capacity to Sustain your Concentration.
that is all.
As I said to Mike the other night – Sometimes I want to pitch everything in storage and head down to Ilg’s house to become a full-time student.
you can camp in the woods, i suppose...
Ask we talk about it, I come to discover that the lure of the ego is to say if you put all else aside this path can be more yours fully. Then my mind awakes and says "foolish ego!" Every moment of every day is your training.
YES!!!!! that is It with a...
Enjoy and may this coaching exchange be of benefit to your own Practice and thus in turn, to All Beings Everywhere.
Off to go teach yoga after a HEAVEN of a morning spent tele skiing fresh powder in the trees! Talk about a Yoga Studio in which to Practice finding the Balance between Patience and Pressure! Yeah baby!
om so ti,
your loving coach
The thing that has changed for me over this last year is that I am now unable to turn off my mind or my awareness about being in myself.
you never WERE able to "turn off" your mind or your Awareness!
you are being now Blessed with the massive inSight of just how chaotic and cluttered and undisciplined your Mind and Awareness is!
thus, all of our work over the next few years will be geared toward being able to gear your mind and awareness, not 'shut it off'.
that will not happen until Samadhi.
we have a loooong way to travel before then!
right now, i want you to work on your Capacity to Concentrate (thus the WF Spelling Guru, etc.)and develop
your Capacity to Sustain your Concentration.
that is all.
As I said to Mike the other night – Sometimes I want to pitch everything in storage and head down to Ilg’s house to become a full-time student.
you can camp in the woods, i suppose...
Ask we talk about it, I come to discover that the lure of the ego is to say if you put all else aside this path can be more yours fully. Then my mind awakes and says "foolish ego!" Every moment of every day is your training.
YES!!!!! that is It with a...
Monday, February 19, 2007
Missive To Flagstaff Yogis
Namaste Noble Warriors!
in case you have not heard through the faster than white lightning
Flagstaff grapevine,
i did it!
my teammate from Boulder, Lisa Goldsmith
helped me win my 3rd consecutive title at the Mt. Taylor Winter Quadrathlon
on Saturday.
i cannot begin to tell you how Sacred this 3rd title means to me.
High Performance Yoga is no joke.
it works.
when i broke my back, i used to use Mt. Taylor Quad as a huge spiritual drawing mechanism to encourage me
to one day rise above my challenges and perhaps once again compete with my peers at this Sacred Peak.
to actually become a Champion in this race is just well, a Gift from my yoga practice.
please come to class tomorrow night and help me and HP Yogi Jut (who also finished the Quad)
celebrate by releasing some of the lactic acid from our muscles.
and, if not my yoga class, please attend someone else's.
and if not someone else's yoga class, then follow the yoga programs in my books and dvds or some one else's
yoga books or dvds.
my plea unto you is a simple one:
Just Do Yoga.
see you in class and thank you for your spiritual support...
i bow to you from beneath the Sacred Peak,
coach ilg, ryt/uscf/cpt
author/Total Body Transformation
in case you have not heard through the faster than white lightning
Flagstaff grapevine,
i did it!
my teammate from Boulder, Lisa Goldsmith
helped me win my 3rd consecutive title at the Mt. Taylor Winter Quadrathlon
on Saturday.
i cannot begin to tell you how Sacred this 3rd title means to me.
High Performance Yoga is no joke.
it works.
when i broke my back, i used to use Mt. Taylor Quad as a huge spiritual drawing mechanism to encourage me
to one day rise above my challenges and perhaps once again compete with my peers at this Sacred Peak.
to actually become a Champion in this race is just well, a Gift from my yoga practice.
please come to class tomorrow night and help me and HP Yogi Jut (who also finished the Quad)
celebrate by releasing some of the lactic acid from our muscles.
and, if not my yoga class, please attend someone else's.
and if not someone else's yoga class, then follow the yoga programs in my books and dvds or some one else's
yoga books or dvds.
my plea unto you is a simple one:
Just Do Yoga.
see you in class and thank you for your spiritual support...
i bow to you from beneath the Sacred Peak,
coach ilg, ryt/uscf/cpt
author/Total Body Transformation
The Mt. Taylor Chronicles '07; Race Day in Photos!
Noble Warriors,
thank you for your Practice of Patience as i have now return from one Sacred Peak to my h(om)e one with a BEAUTIFUL TROPHY and more importantly; SACRED MEMORIES and DEEPER CHI PENETRATION IN MY CELLS!
please understand that i did not have my Beloved Ananda with me to take photos. i really did my best to snap some pics for you all to enjoy and find inspiration from for your own workouts. However, having my "Warpaint" on, i was singularly focused upon one goal; Another Championship Title.
As you read in the last DL; i did it. Of course, most of my victory must be attributed to my world-class Teammate; Lisa Goldsmith. Here are the two keys to winning Team and Pair Titles at Mt. Taylor:
1) Train yourself into the most Impeccably Fit Condition you possibly can cuz you will need ALL of it and THEN some,
2) Pick your Teammates wisely!
to view Lisa and my's Race Stats under our name of "A Fair Pair Of Mountain Yogis" go to:

Critical Mass Turn #3 on the Ski Down section of the Mt. Taylor Winter Quadrathlon where i set, according to current Race Statistics, the fastest ski descent of all the racers. i'd be going in excess of 20 mph through here; on tiny, edgeless skate skis carrying a backpack! yeah baby! Speed is RELATIVE! i took this shot during my pre-ski of the course which took 40 minutes of uphill skate skiing to check out these critical turns. no other racers pre-inspected the course like i did. this is what i coach into all my athletes; Do Thy H(om)ework. Pray to the Race Gods during your Course Inspections; establish some sort of spiritual bond with the Gods of the Course and positive things happen. My Course Record time for this Ski Down which began at the end of the Snowshoe Down section at 10,674' and ended two miles later at 9,479' was 13 minutes and 40 seconds including my transitions. Many of the racers would require 40+ minutes to navigate this section. The Kachina Spirits were FLYING beside me the whole descent; thank Buddha for all those HP Yoga; "Chair Poses" i did especially during my HP PROP WORKOUTS; i held onto my downhill tuck like that Dharma Bug that RJ took a picture of in my BEE CHI entry last week! The most challenging part was carrying my speed into these turns that were cluttered by fallen skiers! i wish to make a sweeping apology to all those racers i nearly killed on my kamikaze descent! Hey, dat's racing! Go fast or stay home, right?!
C'mon with me as i take you on a photo journey toward my 3rd Consecutive Title at the Mt. Taylor Winter Quadrathlon:
Time When The Nerves Start Jumping; First Good Look at the Sacred Peak of Tsidool from I-40 heading east toward Albuquerque.
thank you for your Practice of Patience as i have now return from one Sacred Peak to my h(om)e one with a BEAUTIFUL TROPHY and more importantly; SACRED MEMORIES and DEEPER CHI PENETRATION IN MY CELLS!
please understand that i did not have my Beloved Ananda with me to take photos. i really did my best to snap some pics for you all to enjoy and find inspiration from for your own workouts. However, having my "Warpaint" on, i was singularly focused upon one goal; Another Championship Title.
As you read in the last DL; i did it. Of course, most of my victory must be attributed to my world-class Teammate; Lisa Goldsmith. Here are the two keys to winning Team and Pair Titles at Mt. Taylor:
1) Train yourself into the most Impeccably Fit Condition you possibly can cuz you will need ALL of it and THEN some,
2) Pick your Teammates wisely!
to view Lisa and my's Race Stats under our name of "A Fair Pair Of Mountain Yogis" go to:

Critical Mass Turn #3 on the Ski Down section of the Mt. Taylor Winter Quadrathlon where i set, according to current Race Statistics, the fastest ski descent of all the racers. i'd be going in excess of 20 mph through here; on tiny, edgeless skate skis carrying a backpack! yeah baby! Speed is RELATIVE! i took this shot during my pre-ski of the course which took 40 minutes of uphill skate skiing to check out these critical turns. no other racers pre-inspected the course like i did. this is what i coach into all my athletes; Do Thy H(om)ework. Pray to the Race Gods during your Course Inspections; establish some sort of spiritual bond with the Gods of the Course and positive things happen. My Course Record time for this Ski Down which began at the end of the Snowshoe Down section at 10,674' and ended two miles later at 9,479' was 13 minutes and 40 seconds including my transitions. Many of the racers would require 40+ minutes to navigate this section. The Kachina Spirits were FLYING beside me the whole descent; thank Buddha for all those HP Yoga; "Chair Poses" i did especially during my HP PROP WORKOUTS; i held onto my downhill tuck like that Dharma Bug that RJ took a picture of in my BEE CHI entry last week! The most challenging part was carrying my speed into these turns that were cluttered by fallen skiers! i wish to make a sweeping apology to all those racers i nearly killed on my kamikaze descent! Hey, dat's racing! Go fast or stay home, right?!
C'mon with me as i take you on a photo journey toward my 3rd Consecutive Title at the Mt. Taylor Winter Quadrathlon:

Time When The Nerves Start Jumping; First Good Look at the Sacred Peak of Tsidool from I-40 heading east toward Albuquerque.
Read and See ALL of Coach's upcoming Sports Journalism as he takes his DL Subscribers along with him to the top of the PODIUM again! Great photos, training and racing dharma, and the trademark WF CHI...
only at:
DL Subscription!
Saturday, February 17, 2007
TEMPLE GONG RINGS! Coach Gets Another Overall Championship At Mt. Taylor
WF Race Wire - Grants, New Mexico
It was the Mixed Pair of Coach Ilg(44) and Lisa Goldsmith (42) racing under the name;
A Fair Pair of Mountain Yogis
that proved WITHOUT A DOUBT ONCE AGAIN that High Performance Yoga, a subDiscipline of Wholistic Fitness - both created by coach ilg -
is ANYTHING BUT FAIR to conventionally trained athletes as they absolutely
annihilated the Mixed Pair Division by 40 minutes and also kicked stupendous
ass upon the Mens Pair Division to win the Overall Pair Category in just over
4 hours across four sports; road cycling and running (Lisa) and Nordic Skiing and Snowshoeing (ilg).
In fact, so fast were they upon the Sacred Peak, that only one 4-Man Team could better their time!
More details from coach coming soon to DIRECT LINES; Exclusively for Subscribers as the Race Results are released at tonights Awards Ceremony.
This completes a string of 3 Consecutive Titles for Coach Ilg at this premier testpiece of a multi-sport event that rewards the most highly skilled winter endurance athletes.
Also racing upon this Sacred Peak today was WF star pro mountain bike racer Timari Pruis of Tahoe, HP Yogi Jut Wynne of Flagstaff, and WF Master Student John "Hakado Ru" Kuhlman of Las Vegas, Nevada.
Not content to wait several hours to be bused back down the mountain, coach beat the buses back to town by 30 seconds by running several miles down the peak after his race!
Coach and Lisa will dedicate their Overall Championship at tonights Awards Ceremony to the recently injured, 9x champion of Mt. Taylor; Danelle Ballengee, a long time friend of coach's and Lisa's from the outdoor multi-sport world of the Rocky Mountains. Danielle slipped and fell off a cliff during a training run in Moab crushing her pelvis and sustaining severe frostbite from 3 nights exposed. Her dog, Taz, saved her life by continuously running to the car and back to Danielle and kept her warm at night. Rescuers eventually were led to Danielle by following Taz.
It was the Mixed Pair of Coach Ilg(44) and Lisa Goldsmith (42) racing under the name;
A Fair Pair of Mountain Yogis
that proved WITHOUT A DOUBT ONCE AGAIN that High Performance Yoga, a subDiscipline of Wholistic Fitness - both created by coach ilg -
is ANYTHING BUT FAIR to conventionally trained athletes as they absolutely
annihilated the Mixed Pair Division by 40 minutes and also kicked stupendous
ass upon the Mens Pair Division to win the Overall Pair Category in just over
4 hours across four sports; road cycling and running (Lisa) and Nordic Skiing and Snowshoeing (ilg).
In fact, so fast were they upon the Sacred Peak, that only one 4-Man Team could better their time!
More details from coach coming soon to DIRECT LINES; Exclusively for Subscribers as the Race Results are released at tonights Awards Ceremony.
This completes a string of 3 Consecutive Titles for Coach Ilg at this premier testpiece of a multi-sport event that rewards the most highly skilled winter endurance athletes.
Also racing upon this Sacred Peak today was WF star pro mountain bike racer Timari Pruis of Tahoe, HP Yogi Jut Wynne of Flagstaff, and WF Master Student John "Hakado Ru" Kuhlman of Las Vegas, Nevada.
Not content to wait several hours to be bused back down the mountain, coach beat the buses back to town by 30 seconds by running several miles down the peak after his race!
Coach and Lisa will dedicate their Overall Championship at tonights Awards Ceremony to the recently injured, 9x champion of Mt. Taylor; Danelle Ballengee, a long time friend of coach's and Lisa's from the outdoor multi-sport world of the Rocky Mountains. Danielle slipped and fell off a cliff during a training run in Moab crushing her pelvis and sustaining severe frostbite from 3 nights exposed. Her dog, Taz, saved her life by continuously running to the car and back to Danielle and kept her warm at night. Rescuers eventually were led to Danielle by following Taz.
Friday, February 16, 2007
The Mt. Taylor Chronicles '07; The Day of Pilgrimage
from my spiritual diary taken after Early Morning Practice this morning:
The Day of Pilgrimage to Tsidool (Mt. Taylor).
It occurs to my experience that if one is to truly life a full life
a life that is constantly spontaneous within the Dance of the Inner and the Outer Wilderness
then 2 preconditioned afflictions must take gradual yet Self Forced Leave
from the yogin's lifestyle:
The Day of Pilgrimage to Tsidool (Mt. Taylor).
It occurs to my experience that if one is to truly life a full life
a life that is constantly spontaneous within the Dance of the Inner and the Outer Wilderness
then 2 preconditioned afflictions must take gradual yet Self Forced Leave
from the yogin's lifestyle:
Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Fearless and flat-backed. that is the Way of a Warrior entering any Bardo Realm or Battlefield! heading into the black pitch of a Death Valley night during my 111-mile, 13,000' pull of the 2004 Furnace Creek 508. i train myself to embrace Bardo Realms; those sketchy, itchy, nervy transistions where the Warrior must rely upon his or her own Solo Practice and gut intuition in order to get to the other side. in this photo from the LA Times, i was confident as i headed into the night pitch, for i had trust in my training, and in my teammates, particularly the driver for this stage in my support van, Ron Jones, who shares with us below a fantastic Bardo Story from - of all things - a simple Bee on the hood of his car.
Coach's Note:
only since i have raced ultra cycling races with RJ would i publish a photo from someone whose appreciation of the Dharma commands him to take a picture of a Bug Being on his hood while driving at 80mph on a So Cal freeway! i have trusted my life and limb to RJ's high speed driving fitness. i recall a certain descent of Townes Pass in the wee hours of a Death Valley night during the Furnace Creek 508. the crosswinds were a monster, ripping and tearing at my bicycle. my front wheel was like an epileptic having an hour-long seizure; shimmying and shaking violently from the winds and high speed descent. how my front fork did not break must be attributed to Vishnu! RJ clocked my ninja descent at speeds of 50-60 mph. i could only make out and react to the turns in the road by the glare of his headlights in the support van behind me. if RJ did not stay within several Zen inches of my rear wheel on that black as pitch descent, i would have literally flown off any one of those dozens of switchback turns!
i guess the Coach in me is just advising; do NOT try this in your own car.
the Dharma Teacher and Protector in me however, is giggling with delight at my Beloved RJ's enthusiastic appreciation of the Dharma in the form of a Bee Being. i absolutely LOVE the fact he took the time to photoshop the picture so we can see both the bug and his speedometer! click on the photo to enlarge. this is a DL Classic! Enjoy! i'll return to my MT. TAYLOR prep entries in a moment. this was just too go(o)d to pass up...
DO NOT MISS "BEE CHI" in today's DL Subscription Format!
A Hilarious and Potent Contribution from one of DL Most Popular Guest Writers; world champion ultra racer; Ron Jones!
this is a DL CLASSIC for sure!
Monday, February 12, 2007
Nurture Your Garden
i might be wrong,
however i TAF that my Beloved Joy may have gotten that Shakespeare quote from the second book
i ever authored;
don't miss Joy's latest blog released each monday:
The Joyful Breath
however i TAF that my Beloved Joy may have gotten that Shakespeare quote from the second book
i ever authored;
don't miss Joy's latest blog released each monday:
The Joyful Breath
What A Wonderful Journey
What a wonderful journey it has been to walk this path in your footsteps. I bow to you."
- Bryan Conkling, Santa Fe, New Mexico upon purchasing a Twelve-month autorenew DL subscription
What a wonderful journey it has been to walk this path in your footsteps. I bow to you."
- Bryan Conkling, Santa Fe, New Mexico upon purchasing a Twelve-month autorenew DL subscription
It's Taylor Time; Part One = The Yin of my Preparation

photo; taking care of business on the Ski and Snowshoe Segments to win the Overall Mens Open Championship of the 2005 Mt. Taylor Winter Quadrathlon.
i first raced her as a soloist throughout the eighties. in those days i was an editor for Rocky Mountain Sports & Fitness, a magazine that covered various races up and down the spine of the central and southern Rockies. i always did my best to present this race as special. it is my prayer that i helped the race maintain her visibility through some lean exposure years.
Back then, i would break into the top twenty of Soloists. And break myself along her 75-kilometer, 4-different sport race route to the top of 13,311' Mt.Taylor and back again...
The Annual Seduction Of Tsidool...
in many Ways, Tsidool (means; The Turquoise Mountain...the Native American nomenclature for this Sacred Peak) is my Mt. Kalias of the Himalaya. For Tsidool is to me, the abode of Shiva. I have trained upon Her in all seasons, and for all reasons. i have heard the Kachina Goddess's laugh and chatter in their fifth dimensional Realm while spilling my own holy water in the form of sweat among her pines which wave in the high desert winds like the tails of foxes or of wolves.
Like all genuine forms and disciplines of Yoga, if you so choose to toe the Start Line of Mt. Taylor and do so with spiritual sincerity, She will inevitably round off brittle and stiff edges in more ways than just the physical ones.
Her days are short, Her nights fall swiftly. The earth surface seems to float as you climb higher upon Her rocky heights. From the summit, everything is...
Registration for Mt. Taylor Winter Quadrathlon ends on February 14. Why don't you come and Dance with me?
here is the website for the race. check it out. please. it is one of our Tribe's worship grounds, Sacred Grounds, that each of you should at least know.
if not sweat upon:
Mt.Taylor Winter Quadrathlon

photo; taking care of business on the Ski and Snowshoe Segments to win the Overall Mens Open Championship of the 2005 Mt. Taylor Winter Quadrathlon.
It's Taylor Time; Part One = The Yin of my Preparation
i first raced her as a soloist throughout the eighties. in those days i was an editor for Rocky Mountain Sports & Fitness, a magazine that covered various races up and down the spine of the central and southern Rockies. i always did my best to present this race as special. it is my prayer that i helped the race maintain her visibility through some lean exposure years.
Back then, i would break into the top twenty of Soloists. And break myself along her 75-kilometer, 4-different sport race route to the top of 13,311' Mt.Taylor and back again...
Here is another excerpt from Today's entry; you can't get this stuff ANYWHERE ELSE!
The Annual Seduction Of Tsidool...
in many Ways, Tsidool (means; The Turquoise Mountain...the Native American nomenclature for this Sacred Peak) is my Mt. Kalias of the Himalaya. For Tsidool is to me, the abode of Shiva. I have trained upon Her in all seasons, and for all reasons. i have heard the Kachina Goddess's laugh and chatter in their fifth dimensional Realm while spilling my own holy water in the form of sweat among her pines which wave in the high desert winds like the tails of foxes or of wolves.
Like all genuine forms and disciplines of Yoga, if you so choose to toe the Start Line of Mt. Taylor and do so with spiritual sincerity, She will inevitably round off brittle and stiff edges in more ways than just the physical ones.
Her days are short, Her nights fall swiftly. The earth surface seems to float as you climb higher upon Her rocky heights. From the summit, everything is...
Registration for Mt. Taylor Winter Quadrathlon ends on February 14. Why don't you come and Dance with me?
here is the website for the race. check it out. please. it is one of our Tribe's worship grounds, Sacred Grounds, that each of you should at least know.
if not sweat upon:
Mt.Taylor Winter Quadrathlon
Saturday, February 10, 2007
There is a whole lot of Pran in Praneet these days! "WF = Happiness"

Go ahead Noble Warriors, take a look at this go(o)d-looking man, especially that treasure of a face. Now, you tell me if we ain't got another Buddha in our Tribe! God how i love the Peaceful Warriors that this humble, hidden Path brings out of the ether! If only EVERYONE had the courage to study this Path! What a World This Would Be! This is Praneet . You may remember him from a former DL appearance when he first began his stream entry into WF. Well, the WF Bug has bit him BIG TIME and he is totally cranking out the WF Path over in India. Praneet works off of the Chi in DL, my books, and videos. His informal updates to me are just staturated with the Light of an Awakening Warrior whose HeartSpace is so preciously open and full of maha bhakti (great love).
here is Pran(eet)'s email to me the other day. i love this Jewel of a Human and i shower upon his and his wife's noble sweat much Dharma Blessings for the Inwardly Inclined Path ahead of them.
may this Noble Warrior's spirit and love filter into your own cells and inspire you Higher than your negative tendencies and lazy habits today. maybe even tomorrow as well.
please note the shining Jewel of WF Impact; it was Pran(eet)'s devotion to the GYM that inspired him to do and complete his marathon! THAT, my friends, is soooo utterly beautifully...WF!
om so ti,
coach ilg
Dear Coach Ilg,
Hope you are well :-)
I wanted to let you know that I completed my first marathon in January this year (the Mumbai Marathon) - it was an exhilarating experience and really allowed me to focus on the stillness within (beyond the burning muscles and warm Mumbai weather) and take in the scene around me - watching mother earth and all the other beautiful souls that were running.
Much to my surprise, my participation in this event created a lot of happiness not just within me, but for my whole family as well - it really inspired me and helped me realize that WF = happiness :-)
Facing my fears and training in the Gym temple allowed me to get to this point.
Thanks for sharing your wonderful message of WF!
My wife is touched and inspired by your message of encouragement to her as well. In fact, I've come back to the Greeen Tara program now and she and i will be doing the EEE-GAD session together today :-)
Peace and love,
Friday, February 9, 2007
Neural Pain Is A Teaching Toward Taming Kundalini

In the Medicine Wheel of Life, injuries are an instrumental part of the Journey.
Most of us will spend the majority of our current lives, recognizing the associated Pains from our countless lives and deaths before this one. The Wise Yogi wastes no time and Sees injuries are Blessings, for they are the Body/Mind Beacon of
Weakness which Must Be Overcome before Enlightenment.
Having a wise Teacher with Direct Experience, not merely textbook experience, through the Bardo of Injuries, is invaluable. This is where have a a WF Online Teacher with the combined experience of Ananda and myself and my Lineage becomes so valuable.

Hec, sometimes we even have to rely upon the Feline Divine Knowledge of Temple Cat Being; Jasper for help in our Online Work! Seriously, however, i know that my communications with my Dharma Teachers have proven invaluable for more (life)times than i wish to recall.
God Bless the Teachers of our Spirits.
This is an actual Online Training Excerpt between Teacher Ananda, myself, and our Student RM.
I chime in at the end of the discussion.
May this help Serve your Practice and allWays remember what i have Taught you all about injuries;

"They don't call them in-Jurys for nothing. Sharpen your Listening Skills and do your Best to
hear the spiritual Wake Up Call which lies behind the outer injury. So much of solo yoga practice just
matures into exactly what Yoga was originally intended for; a personal science of Self Healing and Radical
"Neural Pain? Hell, that Pain is just kindygarten...well, okay, maybe elementary school stuff compared to the Cosmic Power that lies locked within Muladhara/Svadhisthana Chakras which will - one day - have to be overcome and controlled with elegance and nearly superhuman mental control. this is why we Practice."
- coach ilg, a successful no-drug victor over a paralyzing spinal and pelvis injury.
Dear Teacher Ananda,
Below is 2 - 4 day cycles of our transition cycle. I'm sorry I have been delinquent in sending the 2nd 4 day cycle before now.
it's all go(o)d. As Coach ilg often counsels; YOU determine the rate and pace of your ascent. Not us.
Experienced a bit of, let's call it difficulty this past week.
par for the course. i bow to your difficulty.
I believe I've managed to pinch a nerve in my neck/upper back somewhere and it has led to a fairly noticeable decrease in my grip strength is the last 2 fingers of my right hand. There is also some pain in my right elbow and shoulder associated w/ this. Any suggestions?
First, ...
1) the WF Temple H(om)e Medicine Wheel built by coach ilg
2) Teacher A and Temple Cat Being Jasper, hard at Service
3) coach begins another session of the button pushing; HP Yoga Healing Routine; "Opening The Energy Vents" available only to WF Online Students
Thursday, February 8, 2007
Blessed Pilgrimage: Student Cerame Skis into Sartori

You never truly know what you are gonna get from me when you make the bold and wise move to take Pilgrimage to the Sacred Peak for a Private WF Intensive. especially during the Season That Really Packs The Prana; WINTER!

Take Most Noble and Cherished WF Online Student Mike Cerame. Brooklyn born and bred shown here to my left, getting ready for his first time ever on an indoor climbing wall during a former Private Intensive.
this fantastically devoted Online Student, now 40 years young, never even got to 'nature' until his early twenties. When he finally did? He reMembered a familiarity about the woods that went deeper than just the physical enjoyment.

Not a small wonder that this Fitness Warrior eventually found himself taking Online Studies within my Nature-Born Path under a Teacher who, as a young man Realized that the Essence of Service to mankind is to love and train their Highest Self, not the one in front of him. When i train a Student in outdoor performance, more often than not, a Tribal Magic happens and an uncanny ability to radically improve my student's skills occurs. this Occurance that has remained steady for a quarter century happens not because i am a great outdoor performance coach. It happens because of the...
Monday, February 5, 2007
"Bad Knees"!?! Get Over It and Get Into WF: New Joyful Breath
Most Noble Yogins!
it's time for another HP dosage of barefooted fun and focus!
c'mon down to the Cave at 7 and meet veteran Wholistic Fitness Student, Michael Cerame, from New York
as he finishes off Day One of his Two Day Private Training Intensive with Joy and I...
speaking of Joy, her latest edition of her blog is out. it is a must read for anyone who says that they have "bad knees":
Joyful Breath Blog
love and inner light from beneath the Sacred Peak,
coach ilg, ryt/uscf/cpt
author/Total Body Transformation
it's time for another HP dosage of barefooted fun and focus!
c'mon down to the Cave at 7 and meet veteran Wholistic Fitness Student, Michael Cerame, from New York
as he finishes off Day One of his Two Day Private Training Intensive with Joy and I...
speaking of Joy, her latest edition of her blog is out. it is a must read for anyone who says that they have "bad knees":
Joyful Breath Blog
love and inner light from beneath the Sacred Peak,
coach ilg, ryt/uscf/cpt
author/Total Body Transformation
Super or Stupid Bowl?
Namaste and Go(o)d Monday Morning,
a few of you long time WF Warriors maybe wondering,
"Whatever happened to coach's yearly editorials on the SuperBowl?"
well, like those of you in WF Online Training, i too am constantly working on
Purification of thy Speech, as part of my yogic growth process. You know, that whole bit about
if you don't have anything kind or productive to say, then, keep your mouth shut?
with that caveat, i will offer this much since it is not healthy to lose our Sense of Humor at It All. so, here you go:
1) friggin' PRINCE still RULES!
read Coach's hilarious input in DL Subscription!
2) New Mexico bro Brian Erlacher
read Coach's hilarious input in DL Subscription!
2b) on Peyton:
i feel his arrogance is as highly cultivated as is his...
read Coach's hilarious input in DL Subscription!
3) Lombardi Trophy?
uh, i hate to break the news, but when a football game has a 4 hour pre-show, and its own 30 minute "Kick Off and Coin Toss" show and overpaid players and agents with enough idiotic marketing and capitalistic hype to nauseate the Devil himself, i suspect that Coach Lombardi would not even want his no-fuss, high-integrity, all about personal character name associated with that trophy. they should rename it something more appropriate to fit the image of what they've done to a simple football game. maybe something like, The Brittney Spears Trophy?
so generally speaking, my overall input on the StupidBowl remains unchanged from my childhood; SuperBowl Sunday is an excellent day to go skiing; the slopes are empty!
oh, and finally;
those two Head Coaches can enter my humble Temple anytime.
i dig 'em.
a few of you long time WF Warriors maybe wondering,
"Whatever happened to coach's yearly editorials on the SuperBowl?"
well, like those of you in WF Online Training, i too am constantly working on
Purification of thy Speech, as part of my yogic growth process. You know, that whole bit about
if you don't have anything kind or productive to say, then, keep your mouth shut?
with that caveat, i will offer this much since it is not healthy to lose our Sense of Humor at It All. so, here you go:
1) friggin' PRINCE still RULES!
read Coach's hilarious input in DL Subscription!
2) New Mexico bro Brian Erlacher
read Coach's hilarious input in DL Subscription!
2b) on Peyton:
i feel his arrogance is as highly cultivated as is his...
read Coach's hilarious input in DL Subscription!
3) Lombardi Trophy?
uh, i hate to break the news, but when a football game has a 4 hour pre-show, and its own 30 minute "Kick Off and Coin Toss" show and overpaid players and agents with enough idiotic marketing and capitalistic hype to nauseate the Devil himself, i suspect that Coach Lombardi would not even want his no-fuss, high-integrity, all about personal character name associated with that trophy. they should rename it something more appropriate to fit the image of what they've done to a simple football game. maybe something like, The Brittney Spears Trophy?
so generally speaking, my overall input on the StupidBowl remains unchanged from my childhood; SuperBowl Sunday is an excellent day to go skiing; the slopes are empty!
oh, and finally;
those two Head Coaches can enter my humble Temple anytime.
i dig 'em.
Sunday, February 4, 2007
Everything Counts and Being Vibrationally Alive in Repose

"Whatever we have done with our lives makes us what we are when we die. And everything, absolutely everything, counts."
- Soygal Rinpoche

"We must learn to be still in the midst of activity...

...and to be vibrationtly alive in repose."
- Indira Gandhi
Photo 1) connie ilg, my sister, strikes a pretty pose during a Pacific sunset. 'Consuelo' - who did not start yoga until her forties when i built my own dang studio in LA - has redisovered a new way of being Vibrantly Alive. photo; ilg archives.
Photo 2) WF Teacher Ananda in a version of sirsasana during a backporch yoga session last summer.
Photo 3) Knowing how to hit our "Off Button" takes Practice. A lot of Practice. sitting meditation in a Southern Utah volcano caldera. photo, Ananda.
special thanks to HP Yogini Leslie for help on the quotes! see you in class!
get authentic Temple Direct CHI HITS like this each day and soooo much more including Dharma Teachings from Coach, outdoor athletic transpersonal teachings, killer photos, travel diaries from coach's racing and backcountry exploits,
and even complimentary access to the Wholistic Fitness SanghaLounge where you can chill out with our WF Students, fans,
and Seekers worldwide!!
what, Pray Tell, are you WAITING FOR!!!!! SUBSCRIBE TO DL today and learn direct from the "World's Fittest Human," and
"An Extraordinary Teacher for our Time."
Saturday, February 3, 2007
DL and the WF SangaLounge; A Wonderful Gift
Thursday, February 1, 2007
Coach's Practice Stat's For January, 2007
"The WF Path works,
when YOU work the Path!"
- coach ilg
photo by Ananda; back beneath my Sacred San Juans while tele skiing at Durango Mountain Resort (formerly known as Purgatory) near my childhood home of Durango, Colorado a week ago.

Pic of the Month; Showing the Pain while qualifying for the United States National Snowshoe Championships during the Flagstaff Qualifier. photo by; www.myracepics.com
My InSight of the Month:
Learning To Embrace Pain is deep privledge.
Honor the priviledge.
Embrace Pain.
- from my DL entry of January 27, before the Langlauf Ski Race.
* skied or snowshoed: 17 out of 31 days!
* 2nd place; Arizona Nordic Ski Championships(5th in Freestyle/2nd in Classic)
* won the Flagstaff Winter Triathlon!(20st&21nd)
* 3rd place in the USSSA Western Regional 10k SnowShoe Race
* 4th in Age Group, 12th Overall at Durango Langlauf 30k!
And here is the "TryLight" behind those Highlights:
Strength Training Hours:
Cardio Training Hours:
Asana Training Hours:
Meditation Hours:
Approx. Calories Consumed:
due to safety for conventionally trained fitness warriors trying to mimic my personal training volumes and low caloric intake and getting hurt in one way or another, only DL Subscribers can see my Actual Training Volumes. thank you for understanding my care of your health and fitness.
May my "tracks up the mountain" help inspire someone, somewhere...
The Chaturanga Challenge; Part 2
Cannot tell you how amazing is this Beloved Soul...
Do yourself and your Practice a nice, fat favor and read Teacher Ananda's
second installment of The Chaturanga Challenge; Part 2.
I would like to say that the obvious Dharma Wisdom and Metta that flows
so steadily and radiant from Ananda could be largely contributed to her
HP Yoga Teacher Training! However, i am the first to recognize a truly
Great Soul when i feel it. All this Path of WF did for Ananda is the same
as it is doing for you if you are letting it:
It is just tweaking your weakenesses into Wholenesses!
Enjoy and GREAT JOB, Ananda! Can barely wait till next Monday's new installment!
click here:
The Joyful Breath Free Blog
photo by www.kahtoola.com
after Joy's Second Place Finish in the USSSA Western Regional Snowshoe Race, 5k.
Flawless Concenration; Story of One Of The Best Spiritual Athletes This Plane(t) Has Known
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