You are truly missed {here in Flagstaff} and thought of often.
I re~member you and Joy all~ways.
You guys were instrumental in assisting me to new levels of in~sight, health and well~be~ing.
Sending full love and appreciation for your influence in my life~
The matless one
coach's postscript: in-Deed, my Precious Yogini Chels quickly bid adieu to her sticky mat about 2 months into our two-year Practice together...no matter how sweaty, how slippery our HP Yoga Sacred Sweatfests became - even during my infamous HP PROP® Workouts - never did the Pranic Princess Chels resort to using a sticky mat. ilg bows. (for purposes of Instruction, especially during PROP Workouts, i will often teach using a sticky mat. in Solo Practice however, ilg rarely uses one)
You are truly missed {here in Flagstaff} and thought of often.
I re~member you and Joy all~ways.
You guys were instrumental in assisting me to new levels of in~sight, health and well~be~ing.
Sending full love and appreciation for your influence in my life~
The matless one
coach's postscript: in-Deed, my Precious Yogini Chels quickly bid adieu to her sticky mat about 2 months into our two-year Practice together...no matter how sweaty, how slippery our HP Yoga Sacred Sweatfests became - even during my infamous HP PROP® Workouts - never did the Pranic Princess Chels resort to using a sticky mat. ilg bows. (for purposes of Instruction, especially during PROP Workouts, i will often teach using a sticky mat. in Solo Practice however, ilg rarely uses one)