I'm actually heading down to NM to jump into a training road race...i've been on my road bike 4x now, so i am ready to be fully bludgeoned...besides i get to race with my ol' bro
"Grammage" from my old Regional Motorola squad which will be fun. Seems like just yesterday i was contesting the Nordic Ski Championships and winning Mt. Taylor...now, it's bike time! enjoy the following pics and historical tidbits...i'll be back Monday.
oh yeah...for those PATIENT WARRIORS that have been waiting for their online orders, i finally did find the Inventory Boxes and i'll be processing all standing orders next week.
now, BE SURE to TUNE INTO DIRECT LINES and INDIRECT LINES tomorrow...cuz i have a GREAT SURPRISE FOR YOU ALL that you are going to LOVE, LOVE, LOVE!
keep the Chi,
get out and DO!
head bowed,
click to enlarge these pics...note; some pics might not appear on iDL...
taken just over an hour ago during a noon-time ride: look closely for a couple of WF Classic Historical tidbit here...this is "Helens Store," the Durango landmark that stood on this intersection of
Vallecito Lake and Lemon Reservoir since forever. ilg has put the hurt on many a visiting student up to Helen's back in the day. Today, the Students were putting the hurt on ol' Coach...which is the most redeeming part of my SvaDharma!
Vallecito Lake and Lemon Reservoir since forever. ilg has put the hurt on many a visiting student up to Helen's back in the day. Today, the Students were putting the hurt on ol' Coach...which is the most redeeming part of my SvaDharma!
the road ride up Florida (Floor-REED-ha) to Helen's is about 2,000' of climbing over 13 beautiful, creekside miles...and the trip back to town? let's my bike computer says i went 47 mph trying to hold onto Ken "Flex" Armstrong and Robbie T's wheel. Yep, you read that right...that guy with me in the pic above is my Precious Flex...have you been with WF long enough to remember Flex starring in my "4 Kinesthetic Teachings Video"? Probably not...that was before "Yoga" could be uttered to outdoor athletes. Flex was also part of my "WhirlWind Dancer" video!!! Sadly, Flex is going to move away from Durango, right when i finally moved back! In fact, Flex moved here in the early nineties to study directly with me and boy, did we have the go(o)d times. He'll be back...

Here is a better shot of Flex (on the right) with Robbie T, near the same spot. Robbie T. was stoked to have me come back to town...he wrote me in an email the other day, "Coach! I am so happy you have returned home! I will never forget when you and Flex took me out several years ago out West Animas Road...we were doing a paceline, and man, oh man, you guys pulled through like demons and I lasted about 10 minutes and you dropped me like a bad habit. That fired me up for years, so THANK YOU for inspiring me all those years ago."

me and Robbie T. Yeah, well, Robbie T. is now one of Durango's strongest cyclists and all around outdoor athletes. Robbie T? you honor ilg 10,000x over. i look forward to now getting dropped from YOUR massive speed!
Here is my TENTATIVE 2010 Summer Racing Schedule...
it's all designed for, yup, you guessed it...a Wholistic expression of summer time
fitness...you might be wondering where the hec the IRON HORSE BICYCLE CLASSIC is in my Schedule...having placed 4th in my AG last year, and finally having the race in my backyard...and...get this; I MISSED THE CUT! my AG filled up so fast, i snoozed and i lost!
next year.
anyway, i truly hope you choose to Toe The Start Line with me on ANY of these great races...i don't race to win; i race to know myself better. and i'd love to know YOU better by seeing you on the Start Line with me!
Also, as you know, all my Racing Expense must be 100% Student-Sponsored; i race for you, to inspire you, to be a better Teacher for you, i bring each and every one of you into my sweat and performance and THAT is what makes WF so precious; the Transmission of CHI...if there is ANY WAY you could afford a few dollars to help defray my racing expenses, i and my Clan would deeply appreciate it!
please consider a Tithe right now:
1 Stage Race
4 Road Races
1 MTB Race
1 MT Duathlon
2 High Altitude Trail Races
Priority Races:
Defend My OA Title at Pagosa Mt. Duathlon
AG Podium at Old Oraivi
March 27
Tierra del Sol RR
Belen, NM
May 23
Galisteo RR
Galisteo, NM
June 20th
Los Alamos RR
Los Alamos, NM
July 3-4
Santa Fe Stage Race
Santa Fe, NM
JULY 10th
Pagosa, CO
July 17th
Kendall Mountain Trail Race
Silverton, CO
August 1
Santa Fe Hillclimb RR
Santa Fe, NM
Old Oraivi, AZ
August 20-22
Full Tilt in Telluride MTB
Telluride, CO
September 11th
Telluride, CO