the crux within the Realm of us Humans is that we get to consciously choose each m(om)ent of our lives...will we concentrate on what is Highest for our Souls or will we grasp at the many fictions which run amok in our minds?
as i continue to be inspired by your support of WF,
you help feeble ilg Higher. photo yesterday by Ananda.
(the beard ain't coming off until Flag gets another "real" snowfall...
or after i podium in my age at the Mt. Taylor Winter Quadrathlon next month,
which ever comes first...if neither pans out? i might be in for a loooong summer!)
(this is the second of my Warriorship Training Series, the first Teaching appeared in DL on 12/30/08; Appreciating The Journey)

this Teaching also includes 16 second footage of Dewachen Rinpoche that may just change your entire day, week, month,...life!
Get In Here Now, Noble Warrior of Wholeness!!!!