"You better know the Spiritual Priority and Purpose behind the podiums and the practices that you undertake. A lot of fitness endeavors can be like gossip for the ego; satisfying for the moment yet lacks spiritual majesty. Most conventionally trained athletes spend all their lives training, training, training. . . . Only to meet the next life unprepared."
- coach ilg
photo by Ananda after winning the 2008 State Nordic Championship. As a New Daddy, i've already re-structured and released plenty of training and so far two winter events from my athletic Schedule...in so doing, i've keep my Priorities crystal clear; to be a present, loving, and conscious new father as well as keeping my spiritual rituals as my Priority...not competing in races which take me away from being a father/partner warrior. i have to Trust that my Sangha understands the difficulty and respects the appropriateness of 'losing' a bit of the 'competitive ilg' for the sake of Wholeness and personal maturation.
i, like many of you, am dealing with Resolution Fallout.
it's okay.
inDeed, it's Par For The Spiritual Course.
like a challenging yoga posture, we may fall from our Resolutions 10,000x before we 'get it.'
each yoga posture has a spiritual life which must reStore our natural elegance.
each Resolution too, has a spiritual life which must be Lived through Direct Experience before that Resolution results in the needed spiritual revolution of our egoic grooves and attachments.
ilg will state it again:
falling from our Resolutions - regardless how sincerely we made them (see Wednesday, December 31, 2008 DL: MY "INFAMOUS" NEW YEARS EVE WORKOUT RITUAL) is Par For The Spiritual Course.
it strikes me as very non-sanguine to immediately get depressed or dejected about falling from a Resolution.
the Journey - YOUR Journey Higher - is not about getting bummed about failing...hec,
i fail all the time because i've chosen to set my personal bar at the Enlightenment Level.
it's not about not falling.
it's about cultivating elegance in Beginning Again.
and 10,000x Again.
when we Begin Again enough,
we realize the spiritual life of that "again" Word Choice;
"a Gain"
A Proven Cure For Resolution Fallout
Most people make afflicted Resolutions.
We tend to focus on the less-important Priorities; namely the physical body and her actions.
How many times have we Heard it?
"My Resolution is to lose 15lbs!"
"My Resolution is to get organized!"
"My Resolution is to be a more Conscious Parent/Person!"
Those are afflicted Resolutions based in an imaginative quest that is as ungrounded
as a snow squall.
It's like an athlete being possessed of podiums and training for them
that they do not reStructure their lives for Love, Light, or Trust.
at my age, and having lived the life i have, it's incredible to see how many athletes
come up void, in a spiritual perspective, after a lifetime of training that
has been dead-ended by injury, age, or burnout.
To avoid Resolution Fallout start with non-afflicted thinking...
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