i devote my DL today to two Bodhisattvic Lights
who dared to Shine in the spiritual darkness of Kali Yuga.
my coaching instructions to you today, Oh Noble Seekers of Wholeness, is
to Practice Tolerance in some way shape or form for somebody today.
- coach ilg

"I have a dream that one day...
little black boys and black girls will be
able to join hands with little white boys and girls
as sisters and brothers."
- Martin Luther King Jr., 1963

"There is an entire generation that will grow up taking for granted
that the highest office in the land is filled by an African American.
I mean, that's a radical thing. It changes how black children look at
themselves. It also changes how white children look at black children.
And I wouldn't underestimate the force of that."
- Barack Hussein Obama II, 2009
illustration of Obama by Office of Paul Sahre
illustration of MLK, open internet image at: