beating the Dharma drum to affect my vibrational status before meditation in the Tribal Zendo.
"Attachment follows the experience of pleasure -
Aversion follows the experience of pain -
Clinging-to-life is the sentiment which causes its own potency to flow equally even in the wise -
Their operations are to be got rid of by meditation."
- Bengali Baba's translation of The YogaSutra of Patanjali, 2: 7-11
"Attachment follows the experience of pleasure -"
i have Taught you much about Vairagya - or Attachment - in this forum throughout the years.
another translation of this sutra: sukha-anusayi ragah is:
"Attraction is clingling to pleasure."
the Sanscrit key word here is: sukha or easy (remember Sukhasana or Easy Pose in the asana? a simple cross-legged position?). nowhere in the Sutra's does Patanjali pass judgment on what is 'right' or 'wrong'. Here, He is just reMinding us that it is not Pleasure itself that is the obstacle toward Enlightenment, rather it is 'our' clinging to it that begets all of our difficulties in liberation of our True Self. remember, we are just DreamWalking in our normal consciousness. what 'we' think pisses us off or makes us happy is utter illusion, just like the dreams we experience in our physical sleep. we are only the "seer"...the "experiencer" yet, we are being instructed here that what we think "we are" is merely a rolling along of Awareness that is going to be attracted and inevitably cling to the experience of pleasure. we take a Sleep Aid and we enjoy the pleasurable shutting off of our rattling mind by sleeping. we then look forward to, over and again, this taking of sleep aid. we enjoy the rush from our morning coffee and we want to replicate that pleasurable experience; over and again until we develop a habit. we find out at an early age, the scintillating sensations of masturbation and perhaps, of sex...and we DEFINITELY WANT to replicate that pleasurable experience; over and again until we develop a sex habit. we win a race and we enjoy the clapping from the people below us on our podium; we become so entranced by the pleasure of such accolades that we become addicted in one sport to the harm of our wholistic development and balance in life and relationships. contemplate on the implications of what i am saying here.
"Aversion follows the experience of pain -"
When i went to preliminary schools, there was a Physical Education class. if we caused trouble, we were instructed to "go run five laps." thus, running became viewed as a form of penance; painful. many kids then equated physical fitness (running) with pain. their obstacle in the spiritual path grew metaphysically into not understanding that aversion is merely the...
DO NOT MISS THIS TEACHING as Coach provides a Fitness Warrior's commentary on these important ancient Sutras...plus more photos! SUBSCRIBE TODAY and DON'T FALL ASLEEP IN CONNECTING THE DOTS FROM YOUR FITNESS INTO YOUR SPIRITUAL ASCENT!!!!!