when YOU work the Path!"
- coach ilg

Hola El Coache!
I trust things are well with you. I have been long gone from the Country for a greater time than expected for good reason.
My most meaningful m(om)ent is featured above. This day we went on a very technical rock hopping adventure up a river bed. I was not nervous until it came time to dive. Head first? Ya... us gymnasts land feet first... But I knew I could do it. I took a deep breath (WF Lifestyle Principle #1; YEAH!), stayed calm, and got the shot on the first dive! It was a meaningful m(om)ent for this: I was in Mexico with a client and her family and I was working with them each day on some form of movement, training, meditation... I then began conducting research on the fitness industry, yoga schools, and Chiropractic and sports medicine clinics. I am considering a business in Puerto Vallarta within this scope. The opportunity is SO calling my name!! This m(om)ent of jumping off the rock... head first... was really the apex of the trip and helped me to see that I can do it. I can make it happen. I have to just go for it, dive in, head first, and have fun doing it! It's a great adventure and there are so many things leading and guiding me down that path. I'm returning to Mexico December-January to continue this project. This can be something very powerful!
I'm off to teach a couple of classes.
Om Shanti
Shishya Tina B