coach in Meditation, the 4th of the 5 Noble Fitness Disciplines of Wholistic Fitness™/photo courtesy Wholistic Fitness Archives.
It’s the casual questions I get after teaching another Samadhically infused HP Yoga™ class in the Sacred Cave that are always difficult to answer questions about Meditation…I take this as a compliment; any yoga class that ends with students moved enough to ask about Meditation is to me, a sign of Teaching Success in the Highest of Ways. If you’re gonna get a yoga class high, then you better make sure the high ain’t coming from dirty, stale bong water! Keep it clean, keep it Wholy Sweat!
I’m gonna tell you something very special that my Tibetan Meditation Teachers at Naropa taught me…
According to the Ancient Enlightened Ones, the Warrior Energy is summoned...
note: the door opens to new Members this week!