note; Coach is in a Private Intensive with a visiting Online Student today. this DL was prepared for release previously. oh, and if you STILL have not experienced even a half-day Private Intensive with Coach, you have very little idea of just how beautifully and exquisitely skilled and loving our Coach is...there is a reason His humor, caring nature, and incomparable teaching skills have earned a 100% "5-Star" rating from each and every one of His Private Intensive Students since the history of WF...this is the stuff you all don't see or know about our Coach, which i get to See and Feel and Benefit From each day of my life...please schedule your WF Private Intensive with us soon, okay?
May Your Practice Be Strong,
Joy "Ananda" Kilpatrick
WF Temple M(om)-ager

This is an ongoing tracking of Andrew "Bantu" Frost's WF Online Training Scholarship as he trains for the "Denali Diamond" route on Mt. McKinley beginning this May. As i enter this, Bantu is coming to my HP PROP WORKOUT tonight, then leaving tomorrow for a 150-mile 3-sport training jaunt from Jacobs Lake (ski) into and out of the Grand Canyon (run) and a bike to Flagstaff. May his waaaay beyond Ironman efforts inspire our own Practice...
without further ado,
i give you our noble mountain yogi, Bantu...
- coach ilg
ps; of course, yes, i have him on the MAP Amino Acids...just like each of you need to be on them!!!
Well, Steve, I'm a day late in this update... a tardiness for which I
But at least I did something notable today: over 20,000 vertical feet
on the mountain. Six runs total, in 8 hours. Two runs were in the
inner basin in thigh-deep powder (after taking time out to dig my pit
and evaluate avalanche conditions). The other four to the top of Agassiz
(lift). My best time to the top of the Agassiz lift on my skins was
my second time up, at just under 56 minutes. Then to the climbing gym
with Rowan {ed. note; Rowan is Bantu's 17 month-old son} for an hour. I feel pretty good. Hopefully we get some more snow tonight/tomorrow and I can go harness that prana again.
As far as the rest of the previous week, I did the second upper body
strength workout on Friday, the lower body strength workout yesterday
(prefatigued for today!!), ran an hour (on the road with Rowan) on
Saturday and Sunday, and Celia (thankfully) returned from SLC on
Saturday after having been at a conference for the previous 6 days.
That was probably the most difficult asana: being so continuously
present for Rowan. It was excellent practice and some of the most
rewarding time I've spent with him.
My Early Morning Ritual continues; I feel as though I need to include more yoga/flexibility work in my routine lately as I've been increasing the strength and CV work... that's always a difficulty, eh? The more you
do, the more you need to do.
Time to sleep.
Know the flowers, stick together, travel light.