Most Cherished Warriors of the Higher Sweat,
Two Dharma Arrows for your Quiver today;
the first is a most BEAUTIFUL contribution by our very own Teacher Ananda. take your time and let her Beauty sink into each of your cells then, spend the rest of today, turning that Beauty inside out for all Beings Everywhere, okay? here you go:
The Joyful Breath
Dharma Arrow number two?
yup, it's becoming a Tradition; TAX DAY COMETH and so does the ILGMAN.
Both arrive in LA on April 15th.
The Latter is a tad bit more fun and healthy for the body/mind than the former,
then again, that is what Balance is all about; dancing that spontaneous edge between the demands of the Outer World
and your Willingness to keep cultivating that Endless Part of you known as your Inner World.
the pdf for my LA Workshop can be found under 2007 Retreats at my website:
WF 2007 Events
oh i am doing some REALLY FUN and COST EFFECTIVE changes in our WF Personal Retreats...so the Tribal Catalog is a bit frolicky (frolicky?) right now. i will let you know when the bulk of the VERY COOL CHANGES are made!
fun stuff, life; live it strongly, live it softly, live it with CHI!
onward, upward, and ever inward,
el coache