"If you are strong enough to doubt your strength and willingness to do something,
are you not as equally strong to doubt your doubt?"
- coach ilg
photo; eventually, all WF Students practice Pranayams each day in the ongoing effort to stabilize our mind, develop equanimity of body and mind, and attempt to gain control of vayu (inner currents of prana or chi). Professional Western Skeptics like the one in my story below, do not believe in such 'new agey' notions as pranic or chi development since the chi cannot be seen. if we don't believe in something we don't understand, why is it so hard for us understand our disbelief?

i know a very famous professional skeptic. you may have seen him on the tv. he makes a living going around the world and 'disproving' phenomena, miracles, and the such. he is quite proud that he does not believe in anything that cannot be scientifically proven.
honestly? i did not enjoy spending time around his energy. i came to know him through the ultra racing world. predictably, he was a ultra athlete. i say that because it is often the case that ultra athletes tend toward the narrow minded, hard, and, well, obsessive side of the Dance.
i was a keen and easy target for his sterility. "New agey, mumbo jumbo without discernible principle," is i think what he once called Wholistic Fitness.
he never commented however, on my race results in physiologically diverse sport performances using WF principles. Rather he enjoyed broadcasting his doubt at my Teachings and WF.
only once did i take Time to engage him. it went something like this...
photo 2; setting a Course Record at the Furnace Creek 508 Ultra
photo 3; working toward a PR in Back Squats in the same month of a podium in a 50-mile mountain running race. circa; 1986