Many people travel through Flagstaff and/or Sedona...hec, what they OUGHTA do is just HANG baby...hang in Sedona and Flag! Above; Ananda cranks some off season singletrack miles in Sedona last December with Courthouse Rock in the background, photo by coach.
Susan and I traveling through Flagstaff and are hoping to make it to your Wednesday night HP Yoga® class. I may also hit you up for some recommended mtb rides in Sedona.
Take care, Student Orr
Dear Student Orr,
head bowed...
would LOVE to get you here one day before not too long
for some Intensive Study!
that would be sooooooo killer to see you two in Class!
pop into the Bike & Bean
at the Village of Oak Creek.
the Bell Rock Pathway (which you have seen in DL) is right across the street.
it hooks you up to a lot of quality MTB loops such as Submarine Rock Loop, Llama Loop, or duck under HWY 179 to Templeton Trail, Cathedral Rock Loop, and Buddha Beach.
the MTB Guidebook to get is:
FAT TIRE Tales and Trails
it is authored by my friend, Cosmic Ray.
Coz lives here in Flag and it is fun guidebook; enough info to get you hellaciously lost and found
over and over again!
enjoy the Red Rock Slickrock and watch out for those Vortex's!
coach ilg