"Perceptions create our problems,
m(om)ents themselves never do."
- Coach Steve Ilg
m(om)ents themselves never do."
- Coach Steve Ilg
photo by Ananda of Dewachen yesterday up in the High Country. My 3 year-old Rinpoche is teaching me my highest yoga of my life...each day and in everyWay. click to enlarge Her Transmission into your Practice today!
the quote arrived to me yesterday as i rode up to Andrews Lake (10,748') to meet my girls, culminating 3 days on the bike totaling 9 hours and over 11,000' of climbing. i hadn't been on a bike, hec, i hadn't done any cardio really besides cardio commuting since before my Imogene Pass Run! Amazing, from the intense 3-day cardio immersion, i feel great.
That's the type of yogic wholeness that WF imparts...may all be so Blessed to find this Precious Path.
Dharma Blessings upon your Practice today,
coach ilg