Thursday, May 31, 2007

WF Lightin' Up The Way!

Thank You Teacher Ananda, and Coach Ilg, for carving this WF Path that when we choose to follow, Lights the Way.
- Online Student Wendy Cooper

photo above;
Student "Coop" gettin' ready to dance up some dacite at the Mt. Elden rock climbing area with Coach and Ananda during her WF Private Intensive last summer in Flagstaff. We have one more spot open for a 2007 WF Private Intensive. Have you set aside any time in 2008 for YOUR WF Private Intensive? Check out the WF Pro Shop for our Intensive and Personal Retreat Offerings!

WF Retreats, Training Camps, & Intensives

Baby Unborn Daughter Dharma; What is born will die...

Baby Unborn Daughter Dharma

you know, Noble Sangha, no one ever told me that the most precious Teachings from our children actually arrive from them before they are born.

already, several pages of Divya Dristhi (Divine InSight) fill my Unborn Baby Daughters meditation journal in our Temple H(om)e Zendo. She already has Taught me such pricelessness for Awakening, Practice, Teaching and Helpfulness To Others..

it is with unknown pensiveness, that as my Baby Daughter reaches her 6th Month point in my Beloved's womb, that i already sense a distance from the Divine Realm from which she came. As if on Cosmic Cue, as her tiny bones harden (bones represent the...



Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Race Report; Day Two of Iron Horse...come, let's go CRITTIN'!!!

one of my Durango bro's demonstrating what the phrase, "Wattage in the cottage," means as he attacks the 25 mph pace and dives into one of the 6 technical turns in the Downtown Criterium during this past weekend's Iron Horse Bicycle Race in Durango. only 30% of the racers that did the 50-mile Road Race the day before even turned out for the 'crit.' why? because i would say that most bicycle racers are scared stiff to do a technical, crowded crit. i'll show you why these wimps didn't toe the Start Line. i'll also give you hints on how to stay upright and safe and strong while crit racing. Remember, oh Noble Yogis, never run away from that which fears you. Running away is not union (yoga). Running toward is. Consider dangerous undertakings as perfect Training Grounds for (y)our Bardo Entry; (y)our eventual ultimate yoga (union)!

just don't tell your mom i said that.


Namaste Noble Warriors!

this is an account of my final day of racing at the Iron Horse Bicycle Classic in my h(om)etown of Durango. As noted previously, i jumped into this brutally wonderful event with the same conviction a cowboy climbs back onto the nearly wild colt after being bucked off and hurt. After 'giving myself' asthma in the high mountains of Telluride last March while winning the world's highest nordic ski race, my CV training has been a paltry mixed bag of feeble efforts followed by long periods of rest. not the type of fire power required for Iron Horse. however, the point in toeing the Start Line was to be a Warrior. in the words of the often ignored Olympic theme; "Lord, let me win. However, if i cannot win, let me be brave in the attempt."

some of you have already written me about the "New Voice" that Spoke to me during the Road Race. a Voice that questioned my need for yet another season of podiums. A Voice that seemed alien to the very character of ever-competitive ilg.

well, grow up.

life is change. and if i have Taught you ANYthing about the yogic warrior lifestyle all these years, it is that there are certain 'ashramas' or 'stages' of a human incarnation where certain duties, actions, and behavior (like living a life of an extreme multisport athlete) are appropriate kindling for the following ashramas. Competition is, at least in this (our) Lineage, absolutely vital for stirring the requisite psychology and physiology needed for eventual spiritual maturation in a safe, progressive flow of Kundalini and thus...


THIS DL ENTRY IS ONE OF COACH's CLASSIC DL' is GREAT; funny, informative, inspirational on so many levels...COME, JOIN THE DL TRIBE! SUBSCRIBE TO THE EXCLUSIVE BLOG PENNED DIRECTLY FROM "THE WORLD'S FITTEST HUMAN*," and "THE MULTIPSPORT MUTANT**"...your training will LIGHT UP with Divine Insight if you do!
fresh daily!!!

*- UltraCycling Magazine, 2003
** - OUTSIDE Magazine, current issue (June, 2007)

Monday, May 28, 2007


APPEARING TODAY IN DL SUBSCRIPTION; my first ever Road Race in the 45-49 Age Group kicked my ass soooo hard i had to rely on Baby Wipes to soothe it afterward!

plus, i come to Inner Terms with a New Voice inside me as i do brave battle along the 11,000' Mountain passes...

and do you know who THIS Warrior is!??!!

all today on DL Subscription Format!

Friday, May 25, 2007


What can we gain by sailing to the moon if we are not able to cross the abyss that separates us from ourselves? This is the most important of all voyages of discovery, and without it, all the rest are not only useless, but disastrous.
- Thomas Merton

"Thanks for the chi hit this morning Coach Ilgbro--I needed it for POSTURE!

Ragin RJ with High-Performance Yoga ABS baby! Yosemite Falls Summit.May 2007!
Feeling the chi...that is all...
- RJ"

We have 3 HP Yoga DVD's just waiting for YOUR SWEAT! Visit the continually updated WF Pro Shop today! check out the very popular Pay-Per-PDF section! KEEP YOUR PRACTICE STRONG!

Thursday, May 24, 2007


When you are a 3x National Champion in UltraDistance MTB Champion like WF Student Timari Pruis (Kenda/Ellsworth), crashes and injuries are part and parcel to the Journey. During a recent injury recovery, Timari developed a blood clot and the doctors put her on Coumadin. One of Timari's first priorities was to contact me to get dialed in on how to best speed her inner healing. Well, you know the simple power of this Path...i choreographed a specific recipe of SUNRIDER Herbs with BioBuilde for her and...well, i'll let Timari share the rest...

hey coach!
just wanted to take the opportunity to let you know blood clot is officially gone! i got the good news late last week, and was able to come off of the Coumadin! i was SOOOOOOOOOOOO stoked! i feel so much better riding now that i am off of that stuff. consequently, i am now able to take SLIM CAPS again, so maybe i can FINALLY lose some of that weight i gained while on the Coumadin. the report from the doctor said that the best case scenario that i could have hoped for, is what happened. i know that being on the Sunrider products, as well as the BioBuilde most definitely helped me out in getting to "best case scenario". my rides have been so awesome since coming off of the Coumadin, and now i get to feel the full effects of the BioBuilde. i had the most awesome ride up Kingsbury Grade today as well. popped some BioBuilde right before the ride, and hauled butt up the hill! it was one of those days where i told myself that i would not time myself up the hill (like i normally do), but SO wish i had! it had to be the BioBuilde! anyways, had to fill you in! miss ya lots!

love always,


If you need to lose bodyfat, recover from chronic aches, pains, or just want to CRANK at a world class level of energy, then contact me for information on two of our pivotal Nutritional Secrets of Wholistic Fitness; SUNRIDER Herbs and BioBuilde!

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

DL MOST POPULAR: Headstand and the Three Realities of the Genuine Human Being

NOTE: this first appeared in DL on September 12, 2005. i have republished it due to auspicious synchronicity connecting several WF Online Students. May this help you all...


Headstand and the Three Realities of the Genuine Human Being

by Coach Ilg

Iyengar said it best, perhaps; "All these people rush up to me wanting me to teach them Headstand (sirsasana) when they can't even stand on their two feet yet!"

In Patanjali's Yoga Sutras, only a few coaching words are given to the practice of asana. You would think modern man would not screw up a few sentences of ancient script, yet, sure enough; we did. The Sutras read;
"That which is a steady and comfortable posture is asana." - II; 46
"That sort which is effortless and lasts until the completion of the samadhi." - II;47

or, let me re-Word this for additional dimension to our 'modern minds':

"Each asana is to be done to reflect the meaning of the word, asana, which means "to take a seat upon"; thus each yogic posture should be practiced as if...


Tuesday, May 22, 2007

The Zen of Up; The SeeQuell - 3 Endurance Secrets Shared

"(E)arnestly practice every good work."- Fo-Sho-Hing-Tsan-King, 1981

above photo; apres yoga...mountain yogi style! exhausted and intensely, sacredly happy. more seeds of impurity burned in the furnace of self-driven sweat of another 5 hour, 54-mile, 6,800' mountain bike effort. this photo shows precisely why i am never impressed by fancy postures done by 'studio yogis'...let them follow me in my Yoga Studio of the High Endurance Studio and afterward, see how limber their acidic, pumped muscles and joints are the next day! Most yoga 'teachers' never push themselves in the other physiologic disciplines because doing so would cause them to Begin Again in their postures due to "sore" muscles and fatigued, dehydrated cells. the Wholistic Fitness Yogi, however, cherishes any opportunity to embrace union (yoga) in ALL disciplines and walks of life! .

the reward of a thing well done, said Emerson, is to have done it. last Sunday, Ananda took this photo of me, collasped on my front door after increasing my average speed by 4/10ths a mile on the "Around The Peaks" which i wrote about in DL last week. i returned one week later to re-ride this course. why? because i needed to do it alone. i needed to ride this enormous workout in the sweetness of solitude. i needed to see what quelled within me and address this Hidden Language of breath and nonstop intensity of movement. where my mind went, where my ego wanted to go, and how adept was my yoga through it all. in the 5 hours of the often times acrid painful purification, i once again validated by Direct Experience, 3 of my most potent Endurance Performance Secrets which i will impart to you in this DL; for DL Subscribers only!

people ask me how i mine so much spiritual teaching from simply working out.

for one thing; i don't do iPods.

and i maximize solo training.

then, i apply the WF Biblical Teaching; "Just Listen."

According to the Sutra of Hui Neng, "if you turn your light inwardly, you will find what is esoteric within you." People want Sacredness and mystical profundity to dance and leap within their lives, yet the gap between wanting to...



Sunday, May 20, 2007

"Aged To Perfection"...Student Sasso Gets Me In OUTSIDE

Namaste Noble Warriors!

it's me, the "MultiSport Mutant" according to the June Issue of OUTSIDE Magazine...

i got ribbed pretty good yesterday by the boys in the peleton,
"Hey, ilg! Mr. Poster Boy!!! Can i get your autograph on my calf?"
"Ooooh, look out, here comes, "The Mutant!"...Here, please take this wheel, Poster Boy!"

you know...
that type of stuff.

Seriously however,
i wish to thank very deeply Venerable and long-time Online Student Dr. Anne Sasso shown above in sitting meditation) for stepping up
when i threw down a challenge for her to use her copious writing skills to get WF into major media.

So now, when you turn to page 94 of OUTSIDE, you will see me next to my lifelong hero and friend,
Ned Overend of my hometown, Durango, Colorado. This is what every athlete truly seeks, far beyond the
trophies, sponsorships, and podiums; The mutual respect among our Warrior Peers. To even be, literally, on the
same page as Ned is as deep an honor to me as is possible.

So, thank you Most Noble Student SassoSan; you honor this Temple, you honor this Path, and you honor your Teacher.

Dharma Blessings to all and to all a go(o)d multisport sweat!

i'm off to do another "Around The Peaks" ride today (see DL this past week) as my final big ride before
racing in Durango on Memorial Day Weekend. i finished 10th in the Club Ride hill sprint yesterday, so i feel my fitness SLOWLY creeping back. I'll be way off my fitness in Durango, however, it's a win/win no matter what; i will be celebrating
my 45th birthday while racing on my most Sacred stretch of land connecting Durango and Silverton among my childhood Warrior Brothers and Sisters of the San Juan!

i'll be on the bike for about 5.5 hours today, circumnavigating the Sacred Peak, so my Transmission to you today will be surely potent. the only Key that you need to feel the Transmission? you gotta merge with Love-Based fearlessness into intensity of sweat and/or stillness. if you do that, you and i will surely Dance two-get-Her!

om so ti,

coach ilg
the mountain yogi...errr, i mean, "The MultiSport Mutant"

Saturday, May 19, 2007

"...your teachings are so rich with nutrients."

Namaste Teacher Ananda,
Welc(om)e home Coach – have thoroughly enjoy DL during your LA visit!

Yeah!  The online shower has begun!

EMR (Early Morning Ritual) continues to keep me grounded and begins each day with mindful intentions.  breath and mula bandha have guided me through these physically and emotionally strenuous days.  thank goodness for the foundation of WF….

Coach’s DL entry regarding his Astral chats with Baby Om has really touched me deeply.  In the midst of preparing some images for a client today, i went back to re-read the entry as there were many other thoughts and feelings arising.  i love this path.   more of the auspicious signs that...


Friday, May 18, 2007

They Don't Call It, "Fast Food" For Nothing...

"They don't call it, "Fast Food" for nothing...
you gotta do a mandatory 'fast' just to purify yourself from eating it!"
- Coach Steve Ilg in a recent interview


Steve Ilg's WHOLISTIC FITNESS; Professional InnerAttainment Services Since 1982

"Around The Peaks"-Five and a Half Hours of "The Zen of Up"

The Sacred Peak of Doko oosliid (Mt. Humphreys) is not only the highest point of Arizona, it also becomes the center point around which the ultra-distance ride of "Around The Peaks" revolves. I took this shot from about mile 28 from my bike while riding. This is her northwest slope, still holding significant snow. Come with me, as i join my two teammates, Gary and Kristen, on our ride last Sunday!

Traditionally run as an old school Mountain Bike Race known as, "The Soulstice" before getting permits for forest service access roads became too expensive, this 63-mile circumnavigation of the Kachina Peaks which hover over Flagstaff now remains a testpiece for local hammerheads and a quasi-epic for the nonstop flow of visiting outdoor athletes...


Thursday, May 17, 2007

SUNRIDER Herbs; Spring 2007 Missive

for the Coach Ilg Downline

May, 2007

Namaste Noble Herbal Warriors!

so, four out of every ten Americans is now officially, 'on a diet.'

so, four out of every ten people you meet would be curious about experiencing for one month, my SUNRIDER Phase One, the Cell Cleansing and Bodyfat Loss phase.
or hec, just Fortune Delight and Action Caps.

or just Calli! it IS Iced Calli season, after all!  

i suggest getting on it, folks.  

with the rapid deterioration of our abused Mother Earth, Father Sky
our trusted food production and delivery systems are combusting.

you know DANG WELL, what is going to be the CORE NUTRIENTS of my baby daughter! SUNRIDER HERBS!!!!!!!


SUNRIDER Herbs are worth everything...that is, unless you don't like yourself or your life.
then go ahead and settle for less!
in fact, go ahead and feed your family inferior foods and beverages.

you skimp on feeding, balancing, and supporting your Cells?

you skimp on yourself.

your family too.

EVERYBODY join in:

"...if you're SKIMPY and you know it CLAP YOUR HANDS/if you're SKIMPY and you know it CLAP YOUR HANDS/if you're SKIMPY and you know it then your CELLS are SURELY SHOWIN IT...If you're SKIMPY go ahead and don't sign up!"

SUNRIDER is the most expensive herb - whole food herb - on Mother Earth precisely because it is the Purest, more Potent, and most Tested.  

SUNRIDER Herbs are the contemporary manifestation of the most Ancient Master's recordings in the Jade Book.

would i have EVER steered you to ANYTHING that was NOT World Class in the first place?

would i have EVER steered you to ANYTHING that was NOT based upon Ancient Scripture?

C'mon...gimme some credit here,  you know all i care about is (y)our absolutely fastest Way to Engaged Awakening in this lifetime. 

So order a big, juicy supply of SUNRIDER Herbs and Skin Care products today.


Most people are go(o)d at heart.  Trust in that.  Look beyond their face (mask) and into their eyes (soul abode).  If you do that Practice, do you know what?

Words will come easy, soft, and wise from your mouth.

You will find not a "hard sell" in front you, rather, a confused Friend just doing his or her best to get by and trying to look cool enough to be approved.  

I am asking you to making sharing SUNRIDER a part of your Spiritual Practice.

They deserve to feel great, look great, and have the energy to at least go for their Highest Goals, whatever that may be for them. 

So, order some extra Fortune Delight, Calli, or if you REALLY want to get their FULL ATTENTION;  give them some Slim Caps in a plastic baggie.  Soon, you'll be having that person, hittin' you back for more in a healthy version of that Drug Dealer Hook Up moment...

"dude, man, i need some more Slims...dang, i started poopin' like never before and i feel GREAT! so much energy coming through! i need some more Slims! C'mon, man...hook me up!!!"

Whatever it takes, start sharing with others the experience of eating the most expensive and best thing you could possibly do for your Amazing, Beautiful Self;
purification, strength, clarity, world class energy, and divine chi radiance.

uhhhh, what ELSE is better than that for yourself, your family, and All Beings Everywhere?

a Porsche?
a new Big Screen TV?

c'mon, you KNOW other people want the REAL WEALTH; HEALTH!

get somebody interested in losing fat tomorrow.  Coach Ilg's Phase I Approach to Using Sunrider Herbs; Cell Cleansing and Bodyfat Loss.  i will help you talk to your possible new downline, guide them through their Journey, and YOU get that precious karmic merit for truly helping someone while making your Climb Up the SUNRIDER cashback system.

enjoy SUNRIDER Chris's letter to his upline; Joy.  Just one example of many that come across my desk each day from the Warriors who are Brave enough to really want to help others, and help themselves stay on the best herbs on the planet.

oh, and by the way?

Joy's and my Online Baby Registry is up on Joy's BETTA git us somethin' GO(O)D, too!?!?!?!

The JoyFul Breath

Love, Herbs, and Consistency Along The Path,

coach steve ilg
founder/Wholistic Fitness® Personal Training
Lead Director/SUNRIDER International since 1983

Dear Joy,

We got the Slim Caps on Monday. Hooray! Thanks ever so much. One bottle was for Wendy and Marta, and can I say, it's already made quite a "splash"? :) I think we have a couple of Herbal Warrioresses on our hands.

Actually Wendy has introduced several of her clients to the herbs as well. One took a sip of the Fortune Delight and said "Hey! Is this Fortune Delight " Turned out that an old golfing partner of his had introduced him years ago and he never forgot the flavour...or the chi.

Things are moving up here...helping us enjoy the stillness.

Trust all is well-vibrating beneath the Sacred Peak,
love, metta, and joy,
herbal warrior ct


Tuesday, May 15, 2007



It is with immense humility and incalculable gratitude to Brahman that i offer each of you, my Noble and Faithful Sangha, the opportunity to help Joy and myself provide an open, clear, and nourishing EarthWalk for our Baby Girl.

All the details to help us are provided on Joy's blog of this week:

The Joyful Breath & Baby Registry

as some of you know, i attained an Astral Hook Up with my Baby Girl using meditation techniques as directly Taught to me by my MahaNidraRishi. my communications opened with my daughter nearly the moment her Soul (Atman) entered the womb, approximately two weeks ago. Since then, well, i hate to tell you this, however, She is a chatterbox. She is keeping me quite busy during the "Sleep States" with revelations about Her former lives and current fears of incarnation. That is all i will tell you at this point. The rest is personal (er, actually spiritual) between Ananda and myself and our Teachers and Guides.

It is difficult to imagine a child growing up in our ever accelerating world, a world seemingly bent on destruction. Om. However, according to the Seers, the High Practitioners, and Masters very Capable, Insightful Children are incarnating right now. A phenonmenom which coincides with Scriptural Forecasts regarding Kali Yuga.

Just as a more well trained mind will reach its conclusion in a more aligned Way, so too do Children become more capable Portals of Light for all of us to learn from, grow with, and dissolve into when these Little Beings of Light know their lineage strength and love supporting their well being from a well trained Warrior Sangha.

i heap countless Dharma Blessings upon any of you who choose to help Ananda and myself through our Baby Registry and promise to share wonderful stories of your Manifested Love to our Daughter as we use your gift in our daily life in the weeks, months, and years ahead.

once again, the PathWay to help us is right here:

The Joyful Breath & Baby Registry

if you have questions or difficulties arising during the Online Registry,
dat's da Mommy's terrain, so contact Joy directly at:

May the Spiritual Law (dharma) work its Ancient and Immutable BlessingWay into your
life with each Conscious Breath, Thought, and Action...

om so ti,

your faithful Servers of Sacred Sweat and Stillness,
coach ilg and joy

Monday, May 14, 2007

Relative Virtue

"Let none find fault with others;
let none see the omissions and commissions of others.
But let one see one's own acts,
done and undone."

- Dhammapada, 50

i reunite with HP Yogini Amber after sharing the Sacred Sweat at my recent
HP Yoga Master Class and Internal Locks workshop in Los Angeles. Amber first came to
me to help her out of chronic back pain. now, the pain is gone and the Love we share is
endless, Sacred, and Sanghic. photo by Ron Jones.


Tread the Dharma Path of Sweat and Spirit since 1982...

Saturday, May 12, 2007

The Long Road (racing) Back, Bullocks Orioles, and Beautiful JoyFul Breaths...

"If you only believe that Buddha speaks no words,
Then the Lotus will blossom in your mouth."
- Sutra of Hui Neng

Namaste Noble Sangha!

oooof. my welcome back party to Flag took on the shape of a flying peleton this morning on the club road ride.

after a very full two weeks in LA, teaching and healing and meeting with uh, 'interesting' media type about a possible
Infomercial, i was tired this morning when my mental alarm went off (i do not need to set an 'alarm clock', i just set my internal one and inevitably i wake up within 5 minutes of the intended time).

do you recall my DL about, "Perpetuation of Rationalization"?

well, i had a ton of 'great' reasons (excuses) not to get my ass onto my bicycle this morning, however, i soldiered through the egoic cascades, and within moments of doing my WF Early Morning Ritual, the Pratyharic Drive drove me deeper into my internal fields and soon enough, i found myself feeling light, happy, and Sacred as i swung my leg over top tube and pedaled off into Blissful Paradise of a Flag early spring morning.

the local bros were gathered like birds at our meeting place downtown;
which is also one of our new sponsors. totally local hang. the owner is a kickass multisport athlete devoted to supporting local outdoor athlete teams. please stop by for a brew when you are in town!

knowing that i have a lengthy list of suffering ahead of me if i am to just survive my first cycling race of the season at Durango's IRON HORSE BICYCLE CLASSIC over Memorial Day Weekend, i stretched my concentration into the pain as the swooping peleton took off on Lake Mary Road, building speed with each pedal stroke and dropping less conditioned riders out the back like a gigantic siphoning snake.

i took only two pulls at the nose of the peleton. i knew i needed to hurt and well, sure enough, the thrilling responsibility of pulling a 38-strong peleton of bicycle racers down the road is one sure way to hurt. i teamed up with current Arizona State Cat 1 Champion, JC, for my second pull. two months behind in my training put me into a significant 'spot of bother' as Paul Sherwyn might quip, as i tooled beside the Champ, head down, spine flat, Mula Bandha engaged, nose into the prevailing head wind, and up a roller. i knew my heart rate was approaching the Red Zone, a more advanced version of the Namaste space! i glanced at my computer which read my speed at 26mph...uphill and into the wind.

okay, enough.

"Sorry JC, i way behind in my training, i gotta peel."

"dat's cool," replied the Champ as if he i were sharing a cup of tea. it was the Champ's "off week," you see. whatever.

i peeled off and disappeared in the middle of pack, desperate to recover before 3.5 miles further when the treacherous three 'steps' would combust whatever remained of the peleton.

while in the relative (and i do stress RELATIVE) comfort of the pack, shaded from the monster wind, i mentally rehearsed Suzuki's dharma teaching about cultivating calmness in activity (see yesterday's DL). unfortunately for poor ilg, on this morning the Irish National Champion was in Flag training in the altitude. so, of course, whenever a 'big gun' is visiting town (which is often) the local big guns feel obligated to show off THEIR big guns, soooooo...for those of us who actually have jobs and don't race bikes for our income...well, we suffer like dogs even worse than usually on these rides. the pace was excruciating. my legs felt as if there were being torn from their sockets by a rabid Doberman. so i did what i allWays do in such Yoga moments; i went within. i defaulted to the Internal Locks, Trusted my Breath, and stepped by mind back to center.

then the Steps came.

by the end of the 8 minute slaughterhouse,
i felt fortunate and thankful for WF, BioBuilde, and the Secret Herbs of SUNRIDER to nail me an 11th place.

an hour fiftysome minutes and 53 miles later, i was back home, feeling fresh. not bad for a wheezing asthmatic who hadn't touched a bike since last October up until two weeks ago. God, i love this Path. the Yoga, the Dancing of the Body/Mind that it allows those of us who Practice her is such sweet magic.


Around The Peaks mountain bike ride. 50+ miles with a groin popping 8,500' of climbing between 7,200' and 10,180'.


just writing that last sentence? kinda made me wonder why i didn't stay in LA a bit longer and just go to the beach.

oh yeah,
dat's right; i am a mountain yogi.
i walk my Path.

May you too, walk your own Path with sincerity, strength, and sacredness.

oh, and remember; i'll be on tomorrow as well as Sirius Satellite! see DL below for specifics.

before the weekend is over,
in case you have not read it yet,
my Beautiful Beloved has logged another exquisite Teaching in her blog...
be sure to read it as part of your Svadhyaya:


as i close this,
Temple Cat Charlie just chased away two most STUNNINGLY BEAUTIFUL "Bullocks Orioles" who were pestering the nectar from our hummingbird feeder!

oh my Heavens! SPRINGTIME IN THE ROCKIES!!!!!!!


be go(o)d,
do go(o)d...

el coache

Friday, May 11, 2007

Back Beneath The Peak: Having Found Calmness in Big City Activity

We say, "In calmness there should be activity; in activity there should be calmness." Actually, they are the same thing; to say,"calmness" or to say "activity" is just to express two different interpretations of one fact. There is harmony in our activity, and where there in harmony there is calmness. This harmony is the quality of being. But the quality of beign is also nothing but its speedy activity.
- Shunryu Suzuki

so much.
so much.
so full.
the heart opening space of traveling across the Mohave, and up, up, up onto the Colorado Plateau via the Mogollon Rim is, for me, a 5.50 hour no-music, all merging meditation into the complete abundance of my life blessed by the compassionate powerhouse catalyst of Wholistic Fitness.

here, back at 7,200' with my Beloved Swollen Belly One, the Temple shines and dances with an alacrity of a Pranic Palace. small wonder why our visiting Students who can feel the Energetics of a puja-doused Temple H(om)e get their energetic socks knocked off...this p(a)lace POPS the PRAN! Beautiful! in the two weeks i was in the Big City, the Aspens have given birth to millions of their adorable sand-dollar shaped leaves which now add a symphonic delight to the soft spring wind caressing the towering Ponderosa. evening sunlight spills into Two Tree Manor like the underlacing of choreographed compositions.

my Practice shone in the Big City and produced for me a pungent chapter of Dharma Joys upon which i will suckle for years...

i was Calm in the midst of Big City Activity, my Practice seemed never further than it truly ever is; a Conscious Breath away.

much more later,
i wanted you to know that i am back beneath the Peak and my Beloved One is sooooo beautiful and where i live is to me; Nibhanna.

that's wealth.

that's health.

thank you Noble Sangha of LA for sharing with me your Sacred Sweat and Spirit and it was sooooooooooooo deeeeeeeeeeply blissful being with you...

don't forget to catch me on the internet and satellite radio this weekend! just see yesterday's DL for the times!

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Was Coach Sirius...?

Well, our beloved Coach got a little confused...

i TAF it's all that LA smog...

time for him to come back home beneath the Sacred Peak!

If you were like me and tried to listen in on Coach's satellite interview, you probably
heard Gangha White speaking about Meditation. That's funny, doesn't sound like Coach,
i said to myself.

and it wasn't!

Coach did have his interview today at 2:20 pm however it was being pre-recorded for this weekend.

So, if you would like to hear Coach share the Dharma and WF Chi, tune in to Outdoor Fitness with Tina Vindum on:
Saturday @ 9 am ET with a Rebroadcast Sunday 1 pm ET
The show airs throughout the USA and Canada on Sirius Satellite Radio, Lime channel 114. It also streams worldwide on and

thanks for listening!


LA DIARIES-VII; You CAN'T BE SIRIUS!!! coach appears today on Sirius Satelllite

Today, at 2:20 pm PT i will be interviewed by Tina Vindum of the health and fitness show called "Outdoor Fitness with Tina Vindum." The show airs throughout the USA and Canada on Sirius Satellite Radio, Lime channel 114. It also streams worldwide on and

The producer told me, "We'd love to have you on the show to talk about you, your wholistic fitness philosophy, and how you stay so fit!"

Perhaps some of you may be able to listen today and call in!

Let's BRING THE CHI, baby!

If they want OUTDOOR FITNESS, then, well, they have Knocked on the Highest Temple, let's share the Sacred Light of our Sweat and Spirit...

see in you Satellite-dom!

om so ti,
the mountain yogi

photo 1) my HP Yoga Mat, floating in my "Wholy Water" which i spilt at my HP Yoga Master Class in LA.

photo 2) Venerable HP Yoga and WF Student Clay Clymore of Santa Clarita, CA rolls up his own yoga mat after faithfully completing the Sweat Management scenario common to HP Yoga in LA!

thanks to Ron Jones over at for the pics!

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

LA DIARIES; VI - pics from HP Master Class

There are two kinds of suffering...the first kind is the kind that leads to more suffering..


Monday, May 7, 2007

LA DIARIES; V - Beach Dharma

We who are like senseless children
Shrink from suffering, but love its causes.
We hurt ourselves; our pain is self-inflicted!
Why should others be the object of our anger?
- Santideva; Bodhicaryavatara 6:445

The Buddha taught us that Desire is the root of all our suffering. Be it physical food, or material food in the form of sunglasses or even my sport bike. We must first become Aware of our impulsive desirous drives before attempting to take a Wisdom Sword to sever them. Have faith Noble Sangha; just bringing Awareness invites Transformation.


Saturday, May 5, 2007

LA DIARIES: IV - Let's Ride, Clyde!

coach describes and provides a guide to 3 of his 'go-to' world-class road rides in the canyons and climbs around LA that he has cranked off so far on his trip...on today's DL Subscription Format

Thursday, May 3, 2007

LA Diaries III - My Night Life(style) In The Big City

Well, OBVIOUSLY i spend my precious Friday Nights in LA hotlife/nightlife writing to YOU!

well, okay, maybe not ALL of my alter-ego LA ilg do i share with you.
i'm saving dat shit for my REAL MONEY MAKING BOOK after all my fitness and spiritual training books fall flat on their face!

Westerners ALWAYS go for what they have been conditioned to believe is COOL instead of realizing that the COOLEST thing is to be FULLY REALIZED!

anyway, here is a tiny peek (peak?) at a day in the LA Life of your mountain yogi...and make NO mistake! it is VITAL for mountain yogis to be able to drop into and flow with Big City Life.


Vairagya, baby! one of the FUNDAMENTAL underpinnings of a yogi's life;

precisely why my Teachers sent this ol' mountain boy into the Big City; twice! for a total (thus far) of over 12 years!

how many 'mountain folk' are WILLING to do THAT type of spiritual work?

compare that number with how many 'mountain folk' are so quick to make fun of people from LA (or NYC, or???)

Wholistic Fitness is a VERY STEEP Path; it forces you to at least LOOK AT (and at best honor) those judgments and latent conditionings that we hold so tightly, hiddenly, and falsely!


Yesterday i rode my bike.
a long way.
4.5 hours
65+ miles
5,000+ vertical feet of climbing.

today i gave Bodywork.
without my asking, the moment my LA Tribe knows i will be Teaching a Master Yoga Class, quickly come the emails and text messages from my very-fast-on-it LA Sangha;
"please, PLEASE schedule me for bodywork while you are in town!"
what can i say? i have smart students. they know a good Shift when they see one;
and if i get my hands (and/or feet) on them while i am in town?
they Shift!

after my final Bodywork appointment today, i...


Coach continues his LA Diaries this weekend at DL Subscription Format

Tuesday, May 1, 2007

LA Diaries; Day 1 - Big Time Love With My LA Tribe

{NOTE; i wrote this entry two days ago. what can i say? life in LA moves fast! much has happened since this entry, however, that is another story...}

Thank you for a beautiful class. I'm not attached, although it is tough to
find a teacher with the sweet energy that you exude.
my love to you,

tonight i walk the streets of North Hollywood, vibing on the Big City Vibe enroute to my favorite pizza hang. i look up. and squint...Grandmother Moon looks a lot smaller at sea level than from Kinlani's perch 7,200' higher than i am tonight.

Yet, make no mistake.
i love it here; in Noho (aka; The Valley of Stars...and NOT the celestial kind!).
Today was a Paycheck Day.
i was brave.
i brought the Love,
and to a packed Cave of my most cherished yogis...i truly felt the Love in every fiber of my being.

i brought the Chi.
and i felt the Chi returned to me. 1000x stronger.

say what you want about the HP Yoga vibe;
we are dissed, often disdained, and mostly ignored by the "popular" styles.

so be it.

i understand.

i ain't a fancy-smanchy, hypermobile asana teacher trying to bring some watered down version of the Dharma.

i am a Dharma Teacher that occasionally teaches asana.

i get it.

and, rightly; so be it.

for ours is a Warrior's tribe;
if it is one thing we do that hallmarks our tribe?
it is this:
we try hard...

ALL THIS WEEK IN DL: DO NOT MISS COACH's ONGOING DIARIES AS HE RETURNS TO THE CITY OF ANGELS WHERE HE ONCE TAUGHT AND SERVED FOR A DECADE...celebrities, killer training, yoga mecca insights and experiences, fast sport's that LA Time Of Year! Come join the Mountain Yogi during his return to the Big City; CLASSIC STUFF!