Monday, September 13, 2010

The Imogene '10 Chronicles, Part Two: Genuine Chi Running; Can You See Your Love Running Through Me?

El Coache,
My heart has felt so cold of late. So unfeeling. And the only seeming flicker of Light shown itself as I read about yet another student who's life has been changed by your commitment. ~exhaling~

Run well tomorrow at Imogene, my ole teacher,
run with my love and respect in your heart.
Run for us all who give into our fears.
Who fail time and time again,
who know only that they know so little.

- a long time Student & WF Devotee
East Coast, US.

click to enlarge

Within spittin' distance of the Imogene Pass Run Finish Line...
your ol' broken back yogi/coach
still expressing the
4 Wholistic Fitness® Lifestyle Principles coiled like Kundalini within my finishing kick...Breath and Posture, Mindfulness, Appropriate Action, and...most of all...Practice!
after 17 miles of 13,000'+ high altitude hurt.

ilg is honorably reports that besides finishing 16th in AG,
i was Durango's first finisher in my AG.

viva la garra for all of us who live in chronic pain
yet refuse high-tech medical procedures and pill prescriptions!
ilg knows how easy it would be just to be cut and diced
and dolled out pills to lessen the pain!
ilg prefers for this incarnation, however,
to 'lesson the pain,' instead.

Surgery can cut more than skin, organ, and connective tissue.
It can cut Soul.

though you cannot hold my hand,
nor i yours
through the sufferings in our lives,
we can all-Ways choose
to Let Go into the ocean of our swelling hearts
you like me,
get the breeze of Wholistic Fitness®
and in our Soul of Souls
we Let Go
and are
walking, running, lifting, spinning, dancing, stilling, and stretching
our Way hOMe
and again
and Endlessly Again.

ilg Blesses thee who reads these words,
you'll feel the Breeze
at your Bardo Entry...
The Spirit Horse shall arrive quickly...
stay true to your Star
choose NOT
to sleep...
no matter how
how sad...
how lonely...
how confused...

Let go.

your not-so-feeble ilg

photo info:
this chi shot was taken by none other than fellow New Daddy Warrior HP Yogi from Durango; Logan Noonan
who worked triple-time to be Daddy mOM so that Jennifer, his wife and also HP Yogin, could crank out IPR!THANK YOU, Most Precious HP Yogi Logan! Conscious Warrior Yogi Dads, go!!!