HAPPY NEW YEAR from the roof of Arizona...
Wholistic Fitness®...the High, Humble Temple of Transpersonal Fitness
thanks ALL OF YOU
for an astonishingly deep 2009 as we continue to set the Pace
far higher and beyond the rest for 2010...
Much Love, Light, and Might
in the New Year...
steve, joy, dewa, and charlie the Temple Cat Being
Wholistic Fitness®...the High, Humble Temple of Transpersonal Fitness
thanks ALL OF YOU
for an astonishingly deep 2009 as we continue to set the Pace
far higher and beyond the rest for 2010...
Much Love, Light, and Might
in the New Year...
steve, joy, dewa, and charlie the Temple Cat Being
photo (click to enlarge):
8,500'. 7:20 this morning. Snowbowl parking lot from the drivers seat of Temple Vehicle; Bala. after taking this shot of our incredible "blue moon" i was off and within the Mantra, skinning up and skiing down Agassiz Peak at threshold intensity, off 7 seconds from my Personal Round Trip Record: one hour and 20 seconds. still not able to beat an hour for the 2,000' up and down trek to 11,500'. high winds and two falls on neurally fatigued legs (on skate skis) during the descent ruined my chances to break an hour. the craziest part? teaching a 2-hour HP Yoga® PropFest to 22 warriors later in the day. ya' just gotta love the fitness of mind/body/spirit that Wholistic Fitness® imparts to her devoted students.