in this Mountain Yogi's warped sense of the Sport Physiology principle of "Train high, sleep low," i do my Long Threshold Intervals during this time of the season at 8,650' which is a little over a thousand vertical feet higher than where i sleep each night.
according to the current crop of textbook infused Exercise Physiologists, it's really a dumb idea to live at altitude, train at altitude, and compete at altitude. using all sorts of PowerPoint® graphics, these non-weathered Beings - harmless as they are impotent - point out such debilitating factors to chronic high altitude living and training cardiac output and blood flow to skeletal muscles decrease, depression of immune function and increased tissue damage mediated by oxidative stress. it's really hard for me to keep stifling the giggles as i continue through the years to read this same old stuff.
and that's not all.
there's more, according to these Hunched Spine Intellectuals; decreases in absolute training intensity, decreased plasma volume, depression of hemopoiesis and increased hemolysis, increases in sympathetically mediated glycogen depletion, and increased respiratory muscle work.
in addition, the Hunched-Backs add, there is a risk of developing more serious medical complications at altitude, which include acute mountain sickness, pulmonary edema, cardiac arrhythmias, and cerebral hypoxia. the possible implications of changes in immune function at altitude have also been largely ignored, despite what 'they' say is an "accumulating evidence of hypoxia mediated immunosuppression."
apparently, 'they' have not been following Direct Lines for the past 30 years.
scientists disregard ilg's antics. perhaps due to their seemingly inherent ability to grock versatility and wholeness unbounded by cultural and spiritual boundaries causes them to shake their massive heads and cast me off...irregardless of that Special Something which knocks beyond their intellectual hides when they perform even a cursory study of WF.
dat's okay.
like my astral-hero Jonathon Livingston Seagull, i am absolutely alone as i ply the energy-saving "V1" Skate Ski Technique in sync with my breath-based Mantra as i make the 600' pilgrimage from the Flagstaff Nordic Center ski lodge to my lonely Ski Interval Loop. ilg does not wear iPods nor do i take motivational sustenance for my upcoming huge effort during Interval Days(Daze) from anything other than the absolutely scintillating scenery of snow covered ponderosa/aspen wildness...
well, you know at what Level you wish to Vibrate...
so, come, join your Tribe of MultiDisciplined Fitness Warriors Intent upon Wholeness and Enlightenment...
the next breath?
or the next life..
who knows which will come first?
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well, you know at what Level you wish to Vibrate...
so, come, join your Tribe of MultiDisciplined Fitness Warriors Intent upon Wholeness and Enlightenment...
the next breath?
or the next life..
who knows which will come first?
subscribe today and get Whole in 2010...
photo of ilg by James Q. Martin