What should we “do” with the mind in meditation? Nothing at all.
Just leave it, simply, as it is.
One Master described meditation as “mind, suspended in space, nowhere.”
- Sogyal Rinpoche
For Ananda's birthday yesterday, we both received a Healing from the
Gaden Shartse Tibetan Monks.
For me, it was welcome and needed step step back in time...surrounded by the familiarly calm swish-swooshing of ochre colored robes up and down narrow halls. and, oh!!! there it is again; that most beautiful, unsurpassed Wisdom Chuckle from these stunningly powerful Beings as they went about their Work with as much float and rhythmic intensity as an Ashtanga Yoga vinyasa. Our holistic Chi-ropractor, David Milgram, who hosts these Monks here in his own office, was also dancing from treatment room to treatment room, as he continued his own great healing ways. this place became a palace of Pranic Waves and the smell and auric feel of the Monks...oh! Is there truly anything more beautiful than being around those Beings who commit their lives to doing good for all Beings In All Realms? when you and i are sleeping? these beautiful powerful Monks are chanting, meditating, and healing others through various ways and Realms.
These exiled Tibetan monks visit Flagstaff regularly, as an ineffable and strong current of all things Tibetan streams, invisible to the eyes of the NonPractitioner, throughout my beloved American Southwest. The high, dry mesas. The stunningly steep snow mountains which pierce oceanic blue skies. This terrain reminiscent to all Tibetans of their now tortured land and people in their "Land of the Snows."
The Venerable Geshe Kalsang Gyatso was the Head Lama who did our Healing. Common to my Tradition, i will not speak on what transpired in our actual Healing. i will report unto thee, however, of the astral intensities from the Lama whose emanations...
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photo of coach in Siddhasana by www.waynewilliamsstudio.com