Wednesday, April 30, 2008

The Eagle Has Landed...From There To Here

Taking Leave...Grandfather Sun opens the final day of my dual residence in both Flagstaff and North Hollywood, CA...

...even though my love for High Mountains is the greatest of my life, Taking Leave from any place that has afforded both great challenge and kundalini-inciting times produces intimate sentiments of the heart. though the yogi is trained to treat all outer circumstance with equanimity and non-attachment (vairagya), the actual act of Taking Leave is never easy.

Most Precious and Cherished Warriors of the Inner and Outer Workouts,

i had Brahman, Vishnu, and Shiva working triple time as i soloed the two-day workout of moving our belongings out of our NoHo apartment, got a trailer for Sukhavarti, and after a very moving "Taking Leave" Meditation, packed up and headed h(om)e to the Sacred Peak. with Bala (our Honda Element) fully loaded and towing Sukhavarti, it was an Herculean engine-effort by Bala to make it up Cajone Pass out of the LA Valley. admittedly, i was anxious about the huge grind up from Kingman, Arizona to our perch at 7,200'. i kept visualizing a smooth sweep up the Mogollon Rim without engine trouble or trailer snafu. as mandatory; i fasted these these two days and was nourished only by Sunrider Herbs, a PowerBar, and most importantly continual reliance upon my Mantra.

as a result, by the time i finished the 8-hour drive to Flag, my eyes were wet with sacred tears. in fact, right after i gassed up (with full apologies to Father Sky of course) in Kingman, it was as though the Holy Trinity filled Bala Girl...up until then, she was straining mightily to get up any incline and low and behold, as the steepest, longest climb of the trip began, the tachometer suddenly, unexplain-ably lowered as the engine output increased and Bala literally flew up the steep, long grade toward 7,000'. we were passing Porsches, or so it felt. the gas usage went DOWN as we flew toward flag like an Eagle with sight set. as the evening sun ushered my return home, Hawk Brother flew a beautiful wing-tip roll right at the m(om)ent Doko Oosliid came into view. to list the inner and outer miracles that occurred, to list the siddhis that came to me to pull off this trip were meant only for me. what i wish to express to you, Oh Faithful Warriors, is that this humble Path of alone and seemingly aloof from the grasp of the mainstream is so utterly precious and powerful. i love this Path so much; to transform the mundane chore of moving into a sacred pilgrimage of inner divinity and to have repeated manifestations of the Shakti arise, and arise more exquisitely in sequence, is truly Heaven On Earth.

words do not exist to describe what it felt to be reunited with my Beloved Ananda and Dewachen...i felt only that i had capably and honorably served both my Go(o)d and my family and to a man, there is nothing Higher nor more meaningful.

so, now,
after "enlightenment"...the laundry list of things-to-be-done;
i'll start with processing the retail orders that you may have placed, then facilitate my Online Students; my most cherished of all my warriors...then i'll address Sunrider and MAP Warriors...

last night i taught my HP Yoga class; the difference in altitude evident during a long sequence of standing postures, i am substituting for Ananda and i've got a bodywork appointment in the afternoon.

so thank you for your Practice of Patience within my humble, powerful Temple. WF ain't no computerized 'online training' schtick...this Path is just me; with all my Love and all my very human feebleness...thank you for choosing to recognize the Genuine Path of Transformation fueled only from Love, by Love, and
into Love
for your Highest Self Cultivation.

stay tuned as allWays; a ton of Dharma Arrows upcoming for your spiritual quiver...

love from the Peak,
eagle ilg

1 - the view of North Hollywood from our apartment from which we just let go. by ilg.
2 - the view from Bismark Lake of Doko Oosliid, in my 'backyard' of the Kachina Wilderness. by ilg.
3 - 'eagle pose' by

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Friday, April 25, 2008

LA Story; Cinco...WF Devotee Coach Mackel Takes The DL Helm...

Coach Steve Mackel, one of my most devoted Online Shishya's of all time, shown here far left, with his ChiRunning Warriors after my HP Yoga Class at Mark Blanchards Power Yoga Studio, Studio City, CA.


Namaste Noble Ones...

well, i had a particularly interesting LA Story for you today which happened to me last night,
when i read this on my Beloved Shishya Mackel's blog:

Coach (NWSM) Mackel's Blog on Coach's Class

it was that beautiful Teaching from M.C. Hammer ringing in my ears;
"You Can't Touch This..."

and you know what?

i can't even come close to the beauty, the devotion, and the engaged Practice of Student Mackel...

so, enjoy and 10,000 Dharma Blessings be graced upon each of those wonderful warriors who showed up
to take my class!

gotta go, my z1000 is outta da shop and between my legs and that?
That, my friends, is a very, very go(o)d thing to have between one's legs...
i've got some footpegs to scrape against some ocean-kissed canyons (after, of course, having ridden them
on my bicycle! motorcycling is all-Ways Higher, after you've put in the sweat-based spirit suffering up them!)...

giving, giving,
loving, loving,
dedication, dedication...

el coache

Thursday, April 24, 2008

LA Story; Quatro...novelty worn off; the 3 Yogic Pains arise...

"...for the first time in my life, i feel every fiber of my being desperate to hold my baby daughter, hear her Tibetan squeals of chuckle, see her eyes squeeze with delight as i toss and catch her over my head in my's like my cells shatter with sadness and like Humpty Dumpty's men; they can't seem to find themselves put together again."

Read the whole diary entry plus a Teaching on the Three Yogic Pains...

keep your Practice rollin' with a DL Subscription; a rare, High spiritual cairn for fitness warriors on the internet...
penned fresh daily by steve 'coach' ilg

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

LA Story; Tres...Issues in the Tissues

the call came in late...

"Steve! Oh my God! I am so glad i caught you...I didn't get the message that you were in town until just now."

I recognized the sweet, hurried voice. She was a bodywork client of mine from Century City. Personal manager of perhaps the most famous Las Vegas showperson of all time. "I totally need bodywork from you but i need to catch the redeye to Vegas tonight."


"Yea, I am so sorry darling...please?"

TODAY in DL SUBSCRIPTION might be surprised by this Big City Aspect of the Mountain Yogi...

Monday, April 21, 2008

LA Story; Dos...when there is no easy way...

Part Two, appearing today in DL Subscription Format...

Saturday, April 19, 2008

LA Story; Numero Uno

now appearing this week in DL...

my first day in LA and i get a date!

even if it is with a professional male belly dancer...

oh, it's go(o)d to be back in LA...

don't miss this week's diary as i take you along for the ride!

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Wandering Mountain Yogi

Most Cherished WF Sangha,

i'm off to teach PROP here in Flag,
then into Bala and down the Sacred Mountain, across the Mohave, and
into the Pueblo Grande of LA for a week of Teaching and private training
as well as moving us out of our North Hollywood apartment finally. it's gonna
be tuff to leave Dewa and Ananda and oh, how hard it is to leave the Southwest
when she is in full spring blooming process!

this should be very interesting...stay tuned...i'll be updating my DL Warriors as
i go...

head bowed and if i get killed by some trucker on the interstate?
108 rounds of the Tribal Mantra x 3 per day for 42 days. thank you...
most importantly however;
keep my family cared for and my Temple radiant...

love along the to Serve the Dharma,

your loving coach

photo of coach in Bharadavasana variation by Kristen Dacey Iwai

Monday, April 14, 2008

click flyer to enlarge

Experience why High Performance Yoga has produced so many podiums for
more athletes across so many is a clue:

"Owner Expertise"

Come share the Sacred Sweat with me in LA this Saturday!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

...oh those egoic grooves...

What should we “do” with the mind in meditation? Nothing at all.
Just leave it, simply, as it is.
One Master described meditation as “mind, suspended in space, nowhere.”

- Sogyal Rinpoche


For Ananda's birthday yesterday, we both received a Healing from the
Gaden Shartse Tibetan Monks.

For me, it was welcome and needed step step back in time...surrounded by the familiarly calm swish-swooshing of ochre colored robes up and down narrow halls. and, oh!!! there it is again; that most beautiful, unsurpassed Wisdom Chuckle from these stunningly powerful Beings as they went about their Work with as much float and rhythmic intensity as an Ashtanga Yoga vinyasa. Our holistic Chi-ropractor, David Milgram, who hosts these Monks here in his own office, was also dancing from treatment room to treatment room, as he continued his own great healing ways. this place became a palace of Pranic Waves and the smell and auric feel of the Monks...oh! Is there truly anything more beautiful than being around those Beings who commit their lives to doing good for all Beings In All Realms? when you and i are sleeping? these beautiful powerful Monks are chanting, meditating, and healing others through various ways and Realms.

These exiled Tibetan monks visit Flagstaff regularly, as an ineffable and strong current of all things Tibetan streams, invisible to the eyes of the NonPractitioner, throughout my beloved American Southwest. The high, dry mesas. The stunningly steep snow mountains which pierce oceanic blue skies. This terrain reminiscent to all Tibetans of their now tortured land and people in their "Land of the Snows."

The Venerable Geshe Kalsang Gyatso was the Head Lama who did our Healing. Common to my Tradition, i will not speak on what transpired in our actual Healing. i will report unto thee, however, of the astral intensities from the Lama whose emanations...

OH, PUH-LEEZE DO NOT MISS OUT ON THIS ONE...ANOTHER CLASSIC, HONEST TEACHING FROM COACH! Our humble, powerful Temple needs your gentle support; Subscribe to DL today and empower your Practice in Ways unavailable anywhere else!

photo of coach in Siddhasana by

Friday, April 11, 2008

TBT; the underground "Fitness Bible" of personal trainers

About four and a half years ago, I walked into Chapters Bookstore looking for a fitness book that was balanced and not just about getting big and bulky. I came across your book "Total Body Transformation" and it caught my eye. After skimming through it for about 10 min I was hooked! That book has become my fitness bible and I have recommended it to many of my friends, some of whom have also purchased it.


Wednesday, April 9, 2008

God Hides In The Details: Hand Posture (Mudra) For Meditation

Noble Coach,
are there any particular mudras that you could suggest for me as i am playing around a bit with formal meditation.
head bowed,
heart open,

Most Noble Sadhaka Karen;

there are huge differences between seated meditation styles, intents, and capacities. in this Temple, i coach two categorically different seated postures...both of which is immeasurably important to get dialed in by the age of 75...that may seem like a far way away for some; yet when really exploring just how difficult a steady "Siddhasana" posture is for over two hours minimum with the inner coping ability to withstand the huge pressures of kundalini transmigration and other Energetics of Enlightenment, suddenly, 75 years old is very close. in fact, just last month, i got a smidgen lazy with my Pranayama Sitting Posture while doing my personal practice and i blew a nadic gasket and my entire left eye became instantly bloodshot big time...a simple moment of inattention and the tremendous Pranic amps with which even my feeble Practice is dealing with, caused a bloodshot eye. i've Back Squatted 350lbs at a bodyweight of 148, i've PowerLifted, i've Olympic Lifted for years at competitive levels. my body is trained - unlike most endurance athletes - to withstand tremendous internal hydraulic and pneumatic pressures within all my diaphragms. Yet, one moment of inattention during my Pranayama these days? nearly blew my eye outta it's socket. Iyengar said he pee'd blood for 15 years due to his Pranayama formative training. when i am coaching you in...



Tuesday, April 8, 2008

How To Survive Group Road Riding

"Riding safely in a group all boils down to bike skills. 99% of the riders in a peleton are safe and capable. However, sooner or later you will find yourself in a peleton alongside a few riders with sketchy skills. Here is how to survive (and thrive) in a whirring crowd of roaring wheels...." Photo: after ANY group ride or race, you'll be sooo happy! Win or lose, fit or fat; you'll have conquered inner dragons and be all the stronger for it! photo by Ananda, post IRON HORSE Downtown Crit , 2007 in Durango, Colorado.

How To Survive Group Road Riding

By Coach Steve Ilg, ryt/cpt/uscf

Well, it's that time of year again. Even for us MultiSport Athletes, time has arrived to jump into our local Saturday or Sunday Morning Club Training Rides and put the hammer down...err, at least attempt to pick up the hammer!

Riding in a big group of road cyclists is exhilarating. Turn on VERSUS any Sunday afternoon, and you can see all the big European pro races...the pros ride in pacelines that are as organized and rhythmic as a Swiss clock. Each rider follows specific rules of the peleton (aka; the pack...the largest group of riders in a group ride or race). However, if you show up at your local club ride, or century (cycling term for a "100-mile" ride) or a charity ride, things will not be so clean and neatly folded. Flying along at 20+ mph, elbow to elbow, perched atop skinny tires and hovering above very, very hard surfaces intimidates even extreme athletes. So, first, forgive yourself for not getting out there before now. Then, secondly, read this article. Finally, and MOST IMPORTANTLY: GET OUT THERE AND RIDE!!! It's soooo utterly exciting to be a part of a flying parade of sweat and spirit!


This article is provided courtesy of steve ilg for DL Subscribers. A Pay-Per-PDF version of this article is available for $3 in the Pro Shop. Steve has been the Training and Fitness Editor of several magazines over the course of three decades and is a New Mexico State Cycling Champion, record holder of the Furnace Creek 508, and a Winner of the Tour de Gila.

Monday, April 7, 2008

When Is A Garage Sale A Shatkarma?

i dare you, no... i DOUBLE DARE you to click on this picture and just tell me how adorable these two guys are! These are my bro's from my hood; Ryan on my right and his little brother Mitch on my left. You've seen me playing roller hockey with them before in DL. They are my biggest fans i think and if my Work and Way of Being attracts fans like this to me instead of top tier celebrities? Than i've done my inner and outer Work well, by God! We can always tell how High we are vibrating by the reaction we chronically receive from animals and children.

Ryan and Mitch were in seventh heaven this Saturday because Joy, Dewa, and i had our Garage Sale. They were among the first to swarm about all my sports equipment of which i was letting go. Note Ryan is wearing a SOFTRIDE cycling jersey from my old sponsorship from that corporation and Mitch is looking fine in the WF Jersey i wore to an overall Championship at Mt. Taylor Winter Quadrathlon; they got both jerseys for one dollar and a ton of other cool stuff for $10 - which they gave to me in a roll of quarters. Only God knows how long it took them to save up that $10 in coin! I love them so. Somewhat sadly, after we've been learning how to mountain bike and play some gnarly roller hockey together, they will soon be moving to Ohio and the hood is gonna be a lot less vibrant without these two champs around! i will visualize that my presence in their life helps them in the next step of their Journey.



As many of you know who study the archives and books of this Path, my notion of "PERIODIC RENUNCIATIONS" have been in place within the WF System since i introduced it in 1982. In fact, i recall one precious Student from way back in Boulder who absolutely was a shining jewel of WF; she cranked in all the physical and lifestyle disciplines inherent to this Path. i did observe however, a strong adhesion within her lower chakral area. It had to do with Letting Go. So, before i gave her an otherwise very much deserved WF Master Student Inka i instructed her to hold a Gargage Sale and Let Go of any material possession that was not practically being used with Love. Sentimental stuff? Sell it, i coached her. I told her that holding onto stuff that really could be deeper appreciated and used by another Being, was an absolute violation of the yogic laws which govern WF study and discipleship. One day, we will need to watch our Loved Ones go into God's arms and...eventually, our own bodies and mind; so giving back to the UniVerse our "stuff" is really just spiritual Kindygarten, however, as all of us know; KindyGarten carries some of our most valuable Teachings...

She could not do it.

She was a clutter-bug and once again, WF did what it does sooooo amazingly potently; it HIGHLIGHTED precisely where her deepest weakness along the spiritual journey lie....


may your own Practice of Vairagya empower your energetics of Awakening...

Sat Nam,

coach ilg

Friday, April 4, 2008

Ragin RJ draws his Dharma Sword for our Children while WF Online Student Carpenter nabs yet another Podium for WF!

" and STILL we remain like a cloud-hidden Temple perched high on a Himalayan pass...fact is, we fly so HIGH, so FAR beyond where the mainstream hangs out that our Bejeweled Path is like virgin singletrack through an inner Land of BE IT!"
photo of Doko Oosliid, the Pranic Power Source which helps me dharmically drive Wholistic Fitness® so high above mainstream to enlarge and breathe with...


Ragin RJ is on the loose wonder my ol' Teammate is such a DL Favorite...bringin' the "anti-BS" chi yet again:

RJ's 3-minute Dharma Strike

over in North Carolina, veteran WF Student Tom Carpenter used WF Online Training to score yet another podium for the WF Tribe at the North Carolina Adventure Race Series #1 held at Lake
Norman State Park in Troutman, NC. Alongside Tom was his "most excellent partner," Mike Dickinson, a high school cross country teammate of Toms! Still crankin' the breath-based CHI together! Love it!

i know many of you are disappointed that magazines like Yoga Journal embrace all these 'studio yogis' for their "Yoga for Cyclists" and their little articles on how strength training can actually help yogis, et. al., while choosing to ignore reviewing TOTAL BODY TRANSFORMATION which was the first book to faithfully intertwine all physiologic development into yoga. so be it; Noble Ones! i want you to view the antics of the Outer World with compassion and if you do this, you - like me - will love our little WF Path so much more for the genuine shimmering Summit of ALL transpersonal fitness that she is! Sure, we have more podiums at more levels over more sports over more decades than any other Path on the Plane(t). Sure, my athletic resume will put the hurt on any other 'fitness expert' out there...Sure, i've authored more pioneering books on East and Western spiritual fitness technologies and teachings than anyone and STILL we remain like a cloud-hidden Temple perched high on a Himalayan pass...fact is, we fly so HIGH, so FAR beyond where the mainstream hangs out that our Bejeweled Path is like virgin singletrack through an inner Land of BE IT! REJOICE in our humble, powerful Path! All that matters is using our Practice for our Bardo M(om)ent; to be able to participate in our spiritual evolution to one day, shine sooooo bright that we are able to help All Beings In All Realms. This then, should be our prayer.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

THE YOGI COACH: Barbed-Wire Dharma


A Column Where East Meets West

by steve "coach" ilg, ryt/uscf/cpt

the intent of this Column is to produce Practice Tips and Teachings that
serve to bring Westerners a clearer understanding of yogic principles and
to bring yogis an understanding of Western fitness training tenets.

click on photos to enlarge

"Putting effort toward something that has meaning and purpose never feels like work!"

-HP Yogini Katie, Receptionist at The Northern Arizona Yoga Center after i praised her for her hard work and devoted Practice. The well-taught yogi is trained to treat both praise and blame, applause and slander as does a raincoat treat raindrops.

i took these photos yesterday.

seeing this loop of barbed wire, caught in the spring runoff of Schultz Creek, shown below, across the street from my home,
reminded me that human life is naught but the "existence of successful pairings between body and soul," as Albert Bodde put it.

the hardwiring of our body/mind lies beneath several layers of astral sheaths, much like the ice over the barbed wire. as we deepen our Practice only two things are required to unveil Truth; sweat and spirit. Let me explain; through the tapas (yogic term for fiery, determined practice) and abhyasa (steadfast perseverance) of our Solo Practices (meditation, asana, cardio, strength, and nutritional integrity) the ice begins to melt, unveiling the true Reality or Atman. as we edge ever closer to the union of our individual self with the universal self (which is the working definition of 'yoga' or 'the yoking together'), we begin to see ourselves precisely for what we are...


Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Dewa's First Touch Of Mother Earth's Hair...

click on pics and hold onto your pants for a nearly unbearably adorable and powerful "Dewa Hit"

Dear Coach and Ananda,

Thanks for producing such great products, and the wonderful writing, and
such a beautiful child, and all the other things that you do for all of
us out here.
- Steven Borgelt, i know that many of you might care less about subscribing for all the world-class East/West Spiritual Fitness Teachings in DL...
you REALLY don't want to miss these Dewa Pics...i promise!

thank you for reading and may my precious Daughter's transmission help elevate your Practice today...

photos by ilg