thy weaknesses,
Pursue the Great Spirit
of Wholeness."
- coach ilg
Such is the sweat-based sutra of the WF Yogi, for we would rather finish in last place doing a sport in which we suck than to go on winning, winning, winning in something that the Go(o)d Lord gifted to us naturally. To excel in a sport is not mastery of self-cultivation. A lot of people get that mixed up. Winning - if not done from a spiritually matured and wholistically relevant inner space - only serves to fortify that aspect of self which is not the True Self. I am speaking here of what yogis know as 'ahamkara' or the egoic construct. In my second book, The Winter Athlete, i coached you that, "Racing is not about, it's about ourselves."
Well, that is why New Daddy ilg chose again to find myself toeing yet another Start Line. This particular line - a scribble of chalk across a forlorn forest road tucked within the massive remoteness of the Weminuche Wilderness of southwestern Colorado, was a...
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"Because truly, us Wholistic Fitness yogis who choose to toe the Start Lines are completely at a dis-advantage to the sport-specific specialists who suck upon their strengths while ignoring over and over again their weaknesses. So, whenever i - or one of you - contest the Specialists for the sake of Wholeness and actually beat them at their own game?!"
That, to ilg, is hilarious, beautiful, and grossly mis-understood and under-appreciated.
So, tune in tomorrow and run and ride with your ol' coach ilg...
May may my time and energy and Love spent here,
be of Benefit in some perhaps tiny Way,
to your own majestic Practice toward Wholeness...
head bowed,
spine straight,
feet bare...
photo 1; above photo; the ilg body after a run through of the The Kinlani Flow DVD. after crashing on our mountain bikes or undertaking the curriculum of other injuries, the mountain yogi is in no condition to do a full throttle asana practice. what is needed instead is a pranic healing routine that does not rely upon a half-hour of Sun Salutations just to get 'warmed up.' my most recent DVD, The Kinlani Flow is an exceptional routine for injured and/or busy fitness warriors, requiring only 10 minutes yet affording a deeply healing and empowering inner journey.