"He who upon hearing, touching, seeing, tasting, and smelling pleasant or unpleasant {things} neither delights in nor regrets them, is said to be tranquil (Shanta)."
-Lagha-Yoga-Vasishtha 2.1.64 (see Coach's interpretation below)
photo of steve, Joy, and 15 month-old Dewachen taken yesterday by world class photographer James "Q" Martin photographing steve for a Patagonia catalog. please visit his website:
Just finished an outstanding Christmas dinner with the family and while the girls get the "Indiana Jones Game of Life" game set up, I'm catching up on a wee bit of my holiday DL reading.
I came across the great DL photos from 12/24 and it finally dawned on me who Dewa looks like:
I have always seen parts of each of you reflected in her. Now, this one image shows the light of from which her outward appearance is "built."
From the two little munchkins who have graced my life, I never cease to be amazed at how they look like mom one week, dad the next and the mailman the following. ;)
Most Precious Hak,
like a shadow which follows a man,
our intentness upon the Inner Self
follows us throughout our countless lifetimes
until Enlightenment - consciously or unconsciously -
in one degree or another...
for Coach's commentary!