i talk with people.
fact is, i am involved with thousands of peoples lives each day.
i am not in some high Himalayan cave.
i get a trickle-down assimilation of all the 'horrible' "news" of the world...
i ain't stupid.
i talk with people.
some of whom do not Practice.
such people are easy to spot...besides their lack of breath and posture awareness
they say things like,
"Oh well, you know, with the world in the shape that it is in..."
at which point, the Dharma Protector in me
interrupts them...
"Which one?"
Confused like a sheep, they baaaaa back at me,
"What do you mean, 'which one'?"
"World," i repeat as if i stuttered which i did not.
"I'm not following..."
"Each of us," i have to speak S-L-O-W-L-Y to them, "inhabits two worlds,an inner world and an outer world. Which one, according to you, is so out of balance?"
"Uhhhh, I guess the outer world," they sputter. i can see them S-L-O-W-L-Y trying to connect the dots that there might be another world besides the one they have obviously bought hook,line,and sinker into; you know the one...the one that the newspapers, tv, and stock markets all pivot upon.
"Something tells me," i say, taking the Dharma dagger deeper into their infant like spiritual flesh, "you should probably be meditating more, no?"
"Yes," comes the shy confession, "I probably should."
thus rolls on the life of a Dharma Protector and Server.
the current era is the PERFECT ERA for meditation.
how's yours going?
photo; in siddhasana, WF Temple H(om)e Zendo; the nucleus of Wholistic Fitness™ for over a quarter century.
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