"If you are worried about your cholesterol, then that tells me you are probably not worried enough about your next workout or race.
If you are worried about having a heart attack, then that tells me you are probably not worried enough about getting better at your backbends and pranayama to open the chains of your Loving heart.
If you are worried, you are too high in your mind.
So sweat.
And sweat again, and again, and endlessly again!
If you are grasping instead of practicing The Witness,
then you are losing precisely what our Children Teachers are teaching us;
be in Awe of It All,
and quit worrying.
How long has it been since you've just repeated the heart-based mantra of "Wow..."
Practice abiding in The Witness; watch everything with the awe of your child and be vulnerable to just repeat, "Wow..." throughout your precious day.
Do this, Noble Yogin on the Path Toward Union, and a sincere motivation for Enlightenment and Intuitive Wisdom will grace your life with as much beautiful and effortless effort as does Grandfather Sun and Grandmother Moon still court each other through Their miraculous heavenly dance.
Such are the Teachings of our Children.
Just Listen."
head bowed,
the mounntain yogi
photo by Ananda of our baby daughter Dewachen during yesterday's stroller walk in the cold bite of an early winter day.