"Do not go by revelation; do not go by tradition; do not go by hearsay; do not go on the authority of sacred texts; do not go on the grounds of pure logics; do not go by a view that seems rational; do not go along with a considered view because you agree with it; do not go along on the ground that the person is competent; do not go along (thinking) because the recluse is our teacher.
'When you know yourself: These things are unwholesome,these things are blameworthy; these things are censured by the wise; and when undertaken and observed, these things lead to harm and ill? abandon them...
When you know for yourselves: 'These are wholesome; these things are not blameworthy; these things are praised by the wise; undertaken and observed, these things lead to benefit and happiness', having undertaken them, abide in them."
- The Buddha Sakyamuni
For beginning practitioners and individuals with a more general interest in Wholistic Fitness, I've created several ways - most of which are extremely affordable when compared to the cliquish tendencies inherent to my field - which impart the powerful, transformative philosophy, meditation and specific WF practices. The most captivating aspect of WF lies in its user-friendly approach; you do not need to live anywhere near me to receive what i feel is the most effective, joyful Path of Spiritual Awakening while using Personal Fitness as the Vehicle.
For those individuals ready to delve deeper into WF practice and are ready to have a more 'full-time' experience, i offer the world's original Online Personal Fitness Training System. The intimacy of Online Training reflects my allegiance to teach Yoga in the Ancient Traditional Manner; Teacher/Student. One on One. Along with the availability of both Phone and Online Consultations, facilities for both short-term and long-term Study exist at a world-class level.
For the future dharma teachers who wish to become 'certified' i periodically offer support and training in a cyber-monastic environment. To Teach WF is a very Steep Path and reCertification through the trials of life itself even Steeper. The first steps require several years of WF Study and the sincere aspirant needs to hold a Personal Training Certificate and a Level One Certificate to teach my own High Performance Yoga. Such Steep travel is appropriate for those who aspire to be future dharma teachers through WF.
photo; "Trataka" one of the many WF Meditations assigned to Online Students. Trataka was and remains a fundamental sport performance technique i use to develop ekagraha; or one-pointed meditation. in fact, my Trataka history came into priceless value yesterday as i ran to the 12,633' summit of Doko Oosliid in 1 hour and 34 minutes with a round-trip of 2 hours and 42 minutes. I had to use Ekagraha to keep mind focused while spending, get this; 1 hour, 31 minutes at a Heart Rate OVER Zone 3! i burned 2,624 calories and ended with a 166 average HR. WF is no joke because WF is a reflection of authentic Mountain Yoga; developing to our highest capacities ALL of our physiologic systems, not just one or two. Trataka in WF thus takes on metaphysical implication as we learn to keep our minds One Pointed in daily life.