Saturday, August 4, 2007

Off To Dibentsaa; destroying the ignorance of fractured yoga

all photos and text by ilg...

ilg only knows that which comes from feet that can fly,
from biceps, lungs, and quadriceps that know no lie...

the ignorant yogi disregards intense, daily cardio training,
as if cardio fitness is not somehow a part of yoga.
the wise warrior, content to make wholistic progress in all aspects of his
body and mind at the pace of glaciation,
does not disregard intense cardio training as his yoga,
rather, he embraces it as fully as a chaturanga or siddhasana or nadi shodhana pranayama.

only upon the entry into the Bardo will the ignorant yogin - devoid of cardio Wisdom - be surprised
at the up front demand for knowing how to endure sustained intensity of
breath and concentration through intense discomfort of freezing and boiling temperatures and wrathful demonic mind states; each Realm divinely designed to fracture the weak yogins capacity to sustain their Mantra. how easy it has been for us to give up and take up again the habit of rebirth; welcome back Samsara! here i am again! maybe THIS time around i will Wake Up to the authentic Yoga of Wholistic Fitness development!

however, the Wholistic Yogin, one whose understanding of the word, Yoga meaning; Union of All - will leap with Hanuman like fitness and endurance through the Bardo Realms requiring endurance and arrive in the Dewachen, his Soul smiling with appreciation of his life on earth spent training his Wholistic Nature; not merely his strengths.


coach is in Durango, Colorado racing mountain bikes and camping until Tuesday; enjoy the DL Archives and the WF SanghaLounge; all complimentary to DL Subscribers!