Saturday, June 23, 2007

"More At Peace Than I've Ever Been..."

Hi Coach,
On Dec. 12, 2006 (after concluding my first full cycle of all the levels in your TOTAL BODY TRANSFORMATION book!) I had some kind of "magical transformation" which has left me more at peace than I've ever been.

- Thank you for all you do and i am looking forward to wearing my Blessed Mala Beads from you in my golf tournament, July 10th!

Kathy Z, NY

a pair of WF Blessed Malas adorns our hand built Rama-Da of my parent's backyard in New Mexico. my 78-year old mom says that whenever she sits in the Rama-Da and looks up at the mountains, her heart is utterly content.

our Blessed Training Mala Beads require a minimum of 3 Days of Personal Empowerment Rituals (usually longer for non-formal WF Students) specifically for you from myself. they are our top selling Temple Product; the Mala's provide a direct Connection with the WF Dharma Lineage and Their Blessings and Protection.

to order yours:

Blessed WF Training Mala