"When we are young, bold, and unaware it becomes all too easy to think that old age and death is something that we do not need to train for in the same way we might train for, say, earning money or a slim, sexy body. Setting up such an ignorant view early in life is not usually our fault. Our parents usually do not train us for aging gracefully and..."
"I was Blessed throughout my early life with Dharma Teachers and thus, i did things that developed my Bardo Training awareness such as meditation and free solo rock climbing and winter mountaineering. those three things have a common denominator; they..."
"So no, it don't take a genius to figure out where our weakness, wounds, and fears reside.
It will take, however, our Inner Genius to help us transcend them..."
photo 1) my nephew, Mogeus, gets an Auric Bath, African style. photo by two man ilg
photo 2 -shown only on DL - i found this fantastic 'cable route' up a sandstone pillar near Window Rock, Arizona the other day. i scampered up it rejoicing in my memories of my former profession of climbing while Ananda, who took the photo, calmed her nerves by reciting the Sacred Mantra.
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