Laurie Lambert, Master National Snowshoe Champion in 2003 and 2004, realizes the value of Wholistic Fitness® in this
unsolicited gift of love:
"Hello Steve and Joy! ("Ananda!" Tell me the meaning of that name. It is as beautiful as Joy is!)~
I have had your email saved on my computer because I knew I wanted to be able to get in touch with you both again.....Well, today I received the notice of your LA workshop so I took that as my sign to chime in and tell you both how inspiring you continue to be. I read "The Winter Athlete" cover to cover. What a fantastic read! It is a permanent and cherished treasure at the cabin. As I raced up in Minnesota earlier this month, I kept thinking of two key phrases: "The arms pump the legs", and "relaxed, soft breathing". I squeaked onto the National Team (the top 5 make it and I was fifth place) and am going to Austria this week to race at the World Championships. I have also watched your wonderful FLIGHT WITHOUT WINGS SNOWSHOE DVD and got such a charge out of it. From that, the boys and I gleaned the skiing method on snowshoes and we have had an absolute blast with it! (Not to mention that I think of your incredible photos and energy everytime I stretch. Talk about divine motivation!!!!)
I am truly blessed to have crossed paths with you and I pray for your highest good. The love you spread is endless and I am nourished by your Light.
Peace, Love, Joy, Namaste!
Coach Responds;
Most Noble Snowshoe Goddess Laurie,
well, after you kicked my ass at the Rocky Mountain Regionals this winter,
i reckon you OUGHTA send me some LOVE!!!!!!
Laurie, you are a tremendously precious Gift to this world. you are an example of brilliance in
both Motherhood and Sport and an example of yogic philosophy embodied. it is my honor
to have raced with you and share the Sacred Sweat of our beautiful winter sports!
Go(o)d luck and Godspeed in Austria...and don't forget; THE ARMS DRIVE THE LEGS!!!!!!
love and cold sweat,
coach ilg