Sunday, November 1, 2009

In Defense of Sport

excerpt from today's DL from Coach;

For many, sport comes into our lives where real things are missing. Daily sweat tethers our “monkey mind” creating an empowering sanctuary for us to love the discipline of genuine self-learning, instead of rote memorization. Where there is no daily sweat, there is no ventilation. Such chronic inner toxicity suffocates personal wholeness with blubber and mental clutter.

Sport IS a teacher. In fact, sport is a multilayered and very beautiful teacher. Like any student however, we must take the curriculum if we are to learn.

The wholistic value of sport is sweat, a necessary agent for personal well-being, integrity, and wise discrimination. Cramming education with the “three R's” - as the writer suggests - at the expense of sport (and art and music perhaps?) is precisely the insane intellectual codependency which has resulted in national obesity, bickering, mental illness, and spiritual poverty

As a lifelong 'jock,' I speak for the unspeakable, sacred joy arising from sports and the wholeness it offers to the compass of our lives...

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