Monday, June 29, 2009

It Ain't The Fish...

"Most men spend their entire lives fishing
never realizing that it's not fish
that they are after."
- Henry David Thoreau

When i first read that quote when i was a boy,
it hit me like a brick...

More on this insight coming up in DL,
i just want this m(om)ent and this great picture
taken by Ananda of myself fishing during Evening Brahmamuhurti
at local "Dogtown Lake" this past Friday
to influence your Practice today.

i want each of you to take some Stillness into your notion of "Personal Fitness"
to contemplate this paraphrase of "Dad Thoreau's";

"Most of us spend our entire lives working out...
never realizing that it's not {you fill in the blank} that we're after."

ilg asks Thee;
What IS IT
that you are working out so hard,
so long for?

Let me hear from you in the WF SanghaLounge;
you shape the DL Teachings...