"A true sign of progress along a genuine path of wholeness is when our conditioned, inculcated Human Interpretation is slowly being replaced more and more frequently by Divine Perspective."
- coach ilg
photo: Ananda looks out over the birthplace of Wholistic Fitness, my Beloved San Juan Mountains near Telluride, Colorado.
What most people, even Yoga Teachers, call 'Power Yoga," is actually, more accurately, called, 'Power Asana.' And any form of asana is but a tiny little cog within the science of Radical Self Transformation which is the definition of Yoga.
As far as my professional observations, as well as my ongoing self gut-checks, most of us only consider Yoga like a hobby...not too far apart from eating chocolate, drinking wine, or watching sports.
It will help all of us to begin our day using the following WF Technique of...
Please do your Higher Self a Noble Service of Soul-Fullness and do not miss this and over 1,200 other Teachings from coach ilg
creator of Wholistic Fitness®, America's Native Form of Lifestyle Yoga
for a more complete view of Coach's notion of Yoga, make it a point to read TOTAL BODY TRANSFORMATION into his latest book; PRANIC JUNKIE.