Pain is
weakness leaving our bodies, sure.
Pain is
also intensity strengthening our weaknesses.
Pain is
karma spin balancing our granthis.
Seek pain for spiritual sauca, however,
do not Attach to it. the ignorant are
often more comfortable in conscious suffering
than in doing the work of spiritual evolution.
Remember continuously that our nature is fluid,
not solid.
We are more ether than matter.
Develop and use the Pranic locks so our Inner Being
can Dance in the Way of an Eagles flight...far above
the drama of the Outer World.
Steadfastly, oh Precious Warrior, devote thyself to difficulty
and only that way shall you be freed from it.
- coach ilg
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barbed wire coated in ice from a nearby stream.
we are made of fluid,
yet our samskara's make rigid our body, mind, and spirit.
photo by ilg